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Just a boi doing college, hating life a little less each day. My poems I write are below along with (if I ever get around to it) a kinlist I want to make. There's also a resume of my performance history in theatre.

listography TERMS
Lunar Information (Kinsiders)
Games (Bravely Default)
Games (Combined + Without Emojis)
Games (Splatoon)
  • You make me feel like myself. a feeling that I embrace. Like an old friend I once thought I'd never see again
  • When it rains, the sky weeps in envy of your smile.
  • I would hold you in my arms as often as you need. Weep into my soul and I will drown in yours. Smile long for the days to never pass. Warm just from the thought of your touch.
  • Your smile makes me nostalgic for something I have yet to experience.
may 18 2024 ∞
may 18 2024 +
  • Prince Tartaglia - 2015 - The Love of 3 Oranges
  • Dodo Bird - 2015 - Alice in Wonderland
  • Lane - 2016 - The Importance of Being Ernest
  • Vlad Vladikoff - 2016- Seussical the Musical
  • Antonio - 2016 - Twelfth Night
  • Monsieur D' Arque - 2016 - Beauty and the Beast
  • Egeus - 2016 - A Midsummer Nights Dream
  • Butler- 2017- Dracula the Panto
  • Stage Manager- 2017- CUT!
  • Officer - 2018- Tartuffe
  • Amos Hart - 2018 - Chicago
  • Katarina Minola- 2018 - Taming of the Shrew
  • Tim- 2023 - Not Your Normal Christmas Carol
  • Sage -2024 - Complete Chaos (Oregon Fringe Festival Reading)
may 17 2024 ∞
may 17 2024 +
  • Listed are characters (either real or fictitious) that I wish I shared or hope to share common attributes with. If they are inherently evil, or ethically flawed, there is likely something else I feel that I relate to or am drawn to them by.
  • Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
  • Big Boss/Naked Snake (MGS3)
  • Ocelot (MGS5)
  • Arthur Morgan (RDR2)
  • Lucifer (Dante's Inferno)
  • Amos Hart (Chicago The Musical)
  • Robin Williams
  • Eddie (Cowboy Bebop)
  • Two Bit (The Outsiders)
  • Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet)
  • Frisk (Undertale) "Despite Everything, It's Still You"
  • Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction)
  • Slig Newscaster (Oddworld:Abes Exodus) {look him up or play the game, it's funny a...
may 22 2024 ∞
jun 12 2024 +
may 17 2024 ∞
may 29 2024 +
  • Tumble and bumble go the chirps from the bats. The ally is dark but the sky barely lit by the days last spring light. I let out a soft high pithed whistle. The bats like acrobats pitch and yaw looking for the bugs in the air, dogfighting for their next meal. I loosen my inhibitions and let myself enjoy this little moment to myself. For once I'm alone, not lonely. I have these bats. And they have me, their solo spectator of their splendiferous act of beauty. As they tumble and bumble and chirp to their hearts content, I let a smile embed itself on my face. An act of innocence, perhaps... I haven't lost what once made me pure. Just as the bats haven't lost their chirp.
may 28 2024 ∞
may 28 2024 +
  • [ Modern Zombie ]
  • I witnessed a zombie come to life. He stood, slouched, slumped and with a gargle he reached to his bag. Under his pants laid his rig. With a light, a puff and a cough. He would turn human again. Only to die and repeat his twisted cycle. This is not heaven. This isn't punishing enough for hell. God laughs as we lie in purgatory, waiting to understand crimes we have committed in a life we no longer remember. Was there ever a crime? Beguiled are we to see no future but the burnt out remains of a pipe stowed to the bottom of a bag.
may 18 2024 ∞
may 18 2024 +