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Jen. Twenty-something physicist and science communicator.

Interests include, but are not limited to, conspiracy theories, animals and cryptography.

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  • I refer to almost any person I interact with on a daily basis as an "incapable". Example; "The queue in the supermarket was so long, I had to wait behind at least a dozen incapables."
  • I get up and say "My destination is the urination station" meaning "I'm off for a pee." A few people find this funny but a lot of people find this irritating.
    • there are variations on this theme depending on where I'm actually going:
      • "calculation station" - math class
      • "experimentation station" - labs
      • "inebriation station" - pub
      • "fornication station" - bf's house
      • etc.
  • I moan about being hungry all the time. Even when I'm not.
  • My tendency to text when in company.
  • I talk to myself constantly. I've been known to meow to myself upon occasion as well. And if I'm not doing either of these I'm humming the Cantina song to myself. (or the Imperial March...)
  • I try to initiate conversation during lectures/tutorials/labs/exams...
  • I've been told that I have an "accusing look". I wonder why a lot of people, when they meet my eye, jump and go "WHAT?! I haven't done anything!!"
  • I talk about my travels quite a lot. It's not that I want to brag it's only that everything exciting that's ever happened to me has happened abroad.
  • I call Edinburgh "InbrEdinburgh" and Dundee "Scumdee". This actually only annoys people who are from these cities.
  • I like to matchmake people and I sometimes get it very wrong and destroy relationships.
  • My extreme sarcasm. Yeah. Really. I know.
  • I make awkward comments which cause great discomfort to the assembled masses. A recent one was "hey, remember when I pulled your sister's boyfriend?!" Ahem.
  • My bracelets, earrings and necklaces always clink and clank and jingle and I am aware it can be very annoying for those around me.
    • Nowadays I've cut down on the jewelry.
  • I have a short attention span so I may ask you what you were just talking about.
  • I spend time searching my hair for split-ends when people are talking to me. It's not that I'm disinterested, really.
  • It's against my principles to buy any coca-cola product (which is sad because I liked Fanta) due to the company passing funds to the Israeli army. This pisses people off.
  • I frequently try to divert the conversation to physics.
  • I am a compulsive yawner.
  • If I see one person more than once in a day then I get paranoid that they're following me.
  • A lot of my sentences end with conjunctions. For example, "I'm going home so." It makes no sense written down but saying it feels ok.
  • "I'd tap that." Said in the style of Microsoft Sam when I see a nice looking man. Louise joins in with this though so we're annoying together.
  • I drink loudly.
  • I take great pleasure in telling people what happens next when they're watching a film I know or reading a book that I've read.
  • "Fantaaaaastic." "Whoop-di-doo." "Oh, tremendous." Sarcastically.
  • I play my music quite loudly, at all hours. My flatmates do not appreciate this in the slightest.
  • Watching films with friends I have a tendency to make frequent witty asides.
  • I often pretend not to have a clue what people are talking about even when I know very well.
  • Sometimes I speak french and non-french speakers dislike this. I really can't help it, I do it by accident. Usually when asking a question.
  • I say "yous." As in "see yous later" etc. It's bad.
  • I use the term "jungle juice" to describe almost anything of liquid form.
  • Objects simply get called "this guy".
  • I ask a lot of questions and many of them are totally inappropriate.
  • When typing in French I NEVER use accents. Crepes are just crepes. Cafes are just cafes!
  • I take a very long time in the shower/bath
  • I talk ALL THE TIME.
  • When I am talking ALL THE TIME I always says "I should shut up" and then follow that with "but blah blah blah"
  • I am thoroughly unreliable when it comes to time-keeping. I like to say that, since I was a premature baby, I've been making up for it all my life by being drastically late for everything I do.
    • I was only ever early for the Pure Math lectures I attended in my first year because they were at 9am and if I got their first then I experienced the joy of walking into a dark and empty lecture theatre and waving my arms around to make the lights magically turn on.
  • My moral objection to religion.
  • I get drunk too easily. It's because I don't eat a lot. And also lots of people buy me drinks. I'm not naive enough to overlook the fact that the people who buy me drinks are predominantly of the male species, I just don't want to be impolite :)
  • I enjoy staring at people and making them feel squirmy.
  • For me it is necessary to apply full make-up every day no matter if I'm going out or not. It is also necessary for me to do my hair and wear perfume.
  • I go through phases of chewing gum.
  • Often I don't know what's appropriate to talk about which gets me into trouble when I accidentally spill people's secrets. After a particularly disasterous episode I swore I'd stop doing this. So I am better now but I still feel constantly paranoid that someone's mad at me for saying something I shouldn't have.
oct 30 2008 ∞
apr 17 2014 +