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Jen. Twenty-something physicist and science communicator.

Interests include, but are not limited to, conspiracy theories, animals and cryptography.

listography NEW NEWS
  • "But, look at you, and then, what the fuck?!" AM when I told him how lacking in sexual past/present I was.
  • "What an absolutely stunning daughter you have." Check out lady to my mum.
  • "Sometimes I get scared to talk to you because you're too beautiful." My boyfriend at the time.
  • "You're punching way above your weight dude." A random to my boyfriend.
  • "You are absolutely flawless." Nat. My response was "huh, the light in here is dimmer than I realised then!" LOL...
  • "I have to refer to you as 'the hot one' if people don't know which of my friends I'm talking about." Matt.
  • "There are no attractive girls left in this town. There's just you. And you're taken. My life is shit." Matt.
  • "You have great tits." Ross.
  • "I mean, there're load of beautiful girls...but then there's Jen...just, woah." A classmate, whilst drunk.
  • "You are both daunting and compelling at the same time." A particularly emotional ex who often felt afraid of me.
  • "You fucking PISS ME OFF with your fucking FACE cause there're no other fucking HOT GIRLS IN THE WORLD." An ex, six months after we split complaining about how I've ruined single life for him by being better than any other girl. HAH.
  • "Oh yeah, Jen, she's tidy." A kid in my physics class to one of my friends.

Keeping this list in case I feel down one day.

may 28 2010 ∞
apr 17 2014 +