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My name is Dwayne Pounds, I was born in St. Louis in January 12th, 1978, Started my career at Judevine Center in 1981, Went to Gateway Institute Of Technology in 1994, I went to Southwest High School in 1996.

Then in July 1999, I went to Steak N'Shake as a dishwasher after graduating in High School in June 2nd, 1999, I was also a dishwasher at McMurphy's Grill and Goodwill Industries.

soel manga (25.)
films (25.)
tv (25.)
house (renovations)
songs (first thought melody)


notes jul 28 2014
notes jul 28 2014
notes jul 28 2014
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012


notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012
notes jul 19 2012