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Mildly Decorated

I love to paint,laugh, and talk
I have an amazingly loud and at times slightly obnoxious laugh nonetheless it IS contagious
I am in college
I should have my AA soon
I miss playing the drums
I love Metric's -Old World Underground
There is always more to learn about somebody
We should all be so appreciative
Why bother?
I'm happy most of the times, except when the mail m...

Darrick Patrick Interviews (Darrick Patrick Interview Archives)
Comic Books/Magazines (Published letters/articles)
Areas Online (Links to Darrick Patrick)
listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • I think i might compile my drawings and writings into a little book someday
  • I am going to narrate the high days and display them in writing
  • It's a ritual
  • I hate that anything i write really isnt private, and I dont mean this website but anything on paper, there is always the feeling someone will go wandering away and find it, happend to me just recently actually..
  • I hate to think about him because of course he's a lost cause but I would love to be mean to him
  • I was mean to him but not enough
  • I had a weird dream last night, i might start making lists of the top 10 weirdest dreams ive had....
  • I want to go to amsterdam after college graduation, tour europe with a friend or two-three- buddy system is the best!
  • I want to internship next summer out of the country- scary and fun but only scary because everyone in a foreign place is at high risk just like the U.S
  • I want to do more for the people in Lebanon trapped in houses all day scared to walk outside because they might get struck by a rocket
  • I wish i understood religion more, especially my own
  • I met a hindu woman the other day, she is really nice and had an arranged marriage how strange but not- at the same time
  • If i get really badass at drums I will quit my day job and do that on the side of the street or in a band
  • sometimes i wonder what life would be like if i would have tried harder in high school, but i dont think i could ever give up those experiences and life lessons
  • life is a lesson
  • I love friends that make me laugh and dont make things awkwards like silly boys that keep messaging me and dont have the balls to admit they are scared and lonely
  • I write sins not tragedies reminds me of smash dancin crazy in her car
  • speaking of I saw a girl dancing ghetto in her car with her mom, I laughed and her mom looked scared
  • I scared the shit out of my sister yesterday and she screamed bloody murder
  • that punta
aug 9 2006 ∞
may 2 2007 +