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Mildly Decorated

I love to paint,laugh, and talk
I have an amazingly loud and at times slightly obnoxious laugh nonetheless it IS contagious
I am in college
I should have my AA soon
I miss playing the drums
I love Metric's -Old World Underground
There is always more to learn about somebody
We should all be so appreciative
Why bother?
I'm happy most of the times, except when the mail m...

Darrick Patrick Comic Books/Magazines (Published letters/articles)
Interviews (Darrick Patrick Interview Archives)
Areas Online (Links to Darrick Patrick)
  • Yabo the coolest/fatty fish in the world
  • Oddly enough just holding hands- it's an awkwardly affectionate reassurance.
  • Surprise trips from him while I studied late at the library.
  • His disgustingly hilarious obsession with Taco Bell.
  • Not being able to keep our hands off eachother.
  • Late nights in the park.
  • Listening to Lovely Feathers together, happy.
  • Watching him get excited over my new drawings or prints.
  • Maggie the Mouse, I can't help it!
  • 3 AM in the morning
  • Midnight runs thinking about us.
  • Watching his reaction when he watched that Beatles documentary for the millionth time, yet was still astounished each time.
  • Gently Rhythms and swedish punk.
  • Random texts in the morning
  • The morning call before class
  • The best of good days and the worst of the bad days
jun 28 2006 ∞
jun 28 2006 +