• Killjoy name : Cyanide Purified
  • My Chemical Romance are my life, I spend almost all day looking on the internet. I follow Frank Iero, Gerard Way and Mikey Way on Twitter, along with their wives. I have a huge but strange obsession with Frank Iero, I admire him and I adore him. This band saved my life so many times and I don't know why I ever stopped listening to them.
  • I loved them for 2 years straight, and saw them once live, but when they stopped touring with The Black Parade I didn't listen to any of their music for nearly 3 years, but now they have a new album I am obsessed with them once again. I don't do my work on computers in school, instead I look at pictures of Frank Iero. They are all I have on my phone and I listen to them every single day, I actually get ill if I don't listen to them. They cheer me up, and they fit for every mood. I listen to them when i'm happy, angry, upset.
  • My obsession for them does seem to cause problems with people, but to be honest, if they don't like it they can SWIVEL!
  • I love this band with my whole heart, and It scares me that I know I wont like them when I'm older.
jun 11 2011 ∞
feb 27 2012 +