• Stop dwelling on the negative. There are always good things going on in my life, no matter how bad I feel. Those are the kinds of things I want to focus on, even if they're small or insignificant.
  • Finish each school quarter knowing I've done my best. I don't care about the grade I get, as long as I come away knowing that I couldn't have done anything more and that I learned all that I could.
  • Work on being happy. Not everyday or all the time, but I want to try and not sit and stew in negative feelings. If this means talking to a therapist, medication, or writing pages and pages in a journal, so be it.
  • Try to have more patience with my family. They're infuriating, yes, but there is a reason why I go to school hundreds of miles away from them. The least I can do is be pleasant when I talk to them.
  • Read 100 books in a year.
  • Volunteer. Preferably at a library or with something that deals with literacy, as that is what I'm interested in.
  • Write, journal, draw on a regular basis. I like it and it's good for me, I need to do it more often.
  • Drink more water. Sometimes I go days with out really drinking anything other than coffee. Yeah, that's not healthy.
  • Keep in touch with Chelsea and Gioia. I love them and I don't want to fall out of touch with them.
  • Start dancing on a regular basis. Ballet has been my love for years and I don't ever want to forget that. I miss it and it's time to start again.
  • Handle my money better. I'll be thanking myself for saving my paychecks when I have to start paying off my college loans.
  • Find a summer job that will actually help me with my future. Something I'm interested in or will learn a lot form, not just a job at Gap.
  • Open up and speak more honestly with the people I care about. I've held myself back for way to long. That needs to stop.
  • Start appreciating the little things - a beautiful day, a good poem, fresh fruit, a cold glass of water, etc.
  • Stop interrupting or talking over people. I hate when I do that.
  • This is lame, but I need to start participating in my classes, especially my English courses. I'm not twelve anymore, I should be able to work up enough courage to add my own thoughts to a class conversation.
  • I want to start cooking on a regular basis. By cooking I mean anything not microwavable or soup.
  • I want to fall in love. That's not really a resolution, but I'm adding it anyways. : )
dec 31 2008 ∞
dec 31 2008 +