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i'm jeszika kae, people call me kc. i'm tiny, i know and i love it. my life is pretty chaotic, i wouldn't have it any other way. i've suffered, struggled, been there done that. sometimes i feel like i'll never win, but things always fall into place. i laugh and smile constantly, because i'm easy to please. i constantly loose my cell phone, wallet, and all those important things. i constantly worry...

  • Have baggies for everything you bring
  • Bring a double-sided laminate for the schedule/map
  • Always give bands a listen; it's polite.
  • Drink tons of water
  • Don't go to the front of a crazy crowd, only to leave early
  • There are only 2 food options at Warped (not counting Wonka candy): Greasy fries or Domino's pizza. The choice is obvious.
  • Wear sunscreen, even if it's pouring rain and the sun is nowhere to be seen. Apply it EVERYWHERE, even behind your ears.
  • Bring a lot of money. Shirts are expensive.
  • Bring a big, yet lightweight backpack for all the free stuff you will get.
  • If you're going to go into a crowd with a backpack, surround yourself with trustworthy people and tighten the straps, so it won't bounce around as you pogo.
  • Bring ear plugs and (cheap) sunglasses.
  • Bring a sandwich. (If you have guy friends they will complain they are hungry...alot)
  • Don't wear sandals or flip-flops.
  • It's not recommended to wear studded belts or to bring a purse.
  • Get a lot of rest the night before.
  • If someone gets hurt, either go to the front where there are medical tents, or the Vans tent.
  • If you absolutely have to bring your parents to Warped, then there's a Reverse Daycare tent where they can chill.
  • Bring a hat, so you won't get a sunburn on your scalp (ouch!)
  • Bring wet wipes, so you can stay safe and clean in the porta-potties.
  • Bring a change of clothes, but keep them in the car.
  • Tuck your money in your bra, if you're a girl.
  • Wear lightweight, light color clothes, so the heat will be slightly more bearable.
  • Don't wear skirts, jeans, earrings, necklaces, boots or Tripp pants
  • Cameras are allowed, but take good care of them. People like stealing them for some reason....
  • Make a list of all the bands you want to see before you go.
  • If you don't like crazy pits or are prone to passing out, stay around the back of the crowd when a band is playing.
  • Take care of your friends and others. If your friend falls down, pick them up.
  • Don't crowdsurf. It's pointless; people get hurt and all that happens is that you have to go to the back of the crowd, which is lame. But if you really want to, start from the back. Starting from the front is just an easy way to break your neck on a subwoofer.
  • Don't take drinks from people that give them to you.
  • This applies to concerts in general, but don't dance like you're at a Jay-Z concert. Warped Tour is for circle pits, not rumpshakers.
jul 11 2010 ∞
jul 12 2010 +