- A-I had my Appendix Removed Unexpectiably during My Galbladder Removal
- Yea, I Woke up With 2 Missing Organs...not One
- B-I Have a Younger Brother named Jacob Robert
- C-I have a 1996 Chrysler Concorde
- D- I Have had 2 Dogs
- Goose (R.I.P.) and Bonnie
- E-I Eat Peanut Butter and Hersheys Religiously
- F-I Was Going to Be Charged with Felonies during a Law Scuffle
- I was Let off...Thank Bob
- G-I Have Great Genes
- My Grandparents are living long and Healthy...but Bad Hearing...
- H-I have Fake Hair
- Mine fell out and Got SUPER thin. Extensions
- I-I have to have an even number of Ice Cubes or 3.
- J-I've spent a night in Jail
- K-I Dont really want Kids
- If any they would be adoptees from Russia
- L- Lilacs are my Fave scent/flower
- M-I have my Mom's Mannerisms
- N-I Shower Naked ;)
- O-I have Orthostatic-Hypotension
- P-I can't stand Pork Products
- Q-I get Quiet and Mumble When I'm not Sober..
- R-I Read Psychology Books for Fun
- S-I can Sing pretty good Soprano
- T-I Tweak about being on Time
- U-I Prefer the word Underwear over Panties
- V-I always Hit myself with My Car Visors
- When they aren't Clipped on and I Go to put em up and Whack!
- W-My Closet is Dominated by White shirts
- X-I got an Xbox Live Account to Use only on Sick Days
- Y-I love my 2-acre Yard
- Z-I own something Zebra in all styles of clothing
apr 20 2010 ∞
apr 20 2010 +