- Rationalwiki conflating anyone that disagreed with either it's left-leaning views with Trump Supporters
- Conservatives misuse either words "Woke" and SJW on anyone that disagrees with them
- conflating anyone that support Palestine with Antisemites
nov 8 2024 ∞ dec 4 2024 +
- animating some part of it's animations myself(to either cut costs further)
- add more stuff such as Spin-off having generic tree friends conscripts and Mario brothers as well Princess Peach and Daisy field testing suits that give their wearers Appmon(Digimon subspecies) powers visiting Space Hulk
- migrating the Project's materials into either Side7 and Artspacious
- retconning "Marneus Calgar becoming Redemptor Dreadnought pilot after Vigilus campaign" when either filling the gap between 4th Tyrannic war and events in Ani-toonspiracy
- will add Japanese survivors from Japan-exclusive Left 4 Dead arcade games in order to portrays Green flu as global pandemic there
oct 3 2024 ∞ dec 20 2024 +
- it's Zionist website(from being owned by Israeli company named Wix)
- it tend to punish rule-abiding users instead of troublemakers
- my parents did urge me to left deviantart
- it reward user's laziness
- many decent people are left deviantart
- eclipse's layout did make Spambot outnumber living users for the sake of site traffics
- tanks my mental health before I even reached 500 watchers(at least from living users)
- not to mention the ongoing lawsuit against Deviantart and Midjourney
- and majority of my deviations are low-effort ones
- plus, my increasingly outdated DeviantID that's harder to updated there
- (nearly) completing my redemption from be...
jul 15 2024 ∞ nov 28 2024 +
- too much bugs for even me
- and I regrettably entered my phone numbers there
jun 20 2024 ∞ jun 20 2024 +
- SD: Panorama 4(kelak jadi panorama 3) di secapa AD Bandung
- SMP: SMPN 29 bandung(masuknya dari Gerlong girang)
- SMA: Pasundan 8 Cihampelas(pindah ke SMK BPP)
- Perguruan Tinggi: STMIK LIKMI, kelak Homeschooling
jun 8 2024 ∞ jun 13 2024 +
Here's the blacklisted artstyles to render Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, Hikari, Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, Koganei, Isami, Toshi, and Soshi from Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon anime, 2003 Teen Titans cartoon, Digimon, Flame of Recca, and Soar High! Isami respectively(in a following specs: KH Human trio take their KH2 forms, both Ash and Misty wears their AG outfits and Melody wears her casual clothes, Raven have her hood open, all 8 Digidestined take their 02!Summer looks, and all 5 Hokage take their final burning looks) in style challenge that cramming them all into each artstyles(and the reasons why):
- Gacha Life/Club style: I hate Gacha Life/Club as a whole and this was my least favorite anime style
apr 21 2024 ∞ apr 21 2024 +
- it's just as bad(if not worse) than EA's Origin
- Actiblizz is Electronic Arts 2.0
- it forcefully downgrades anyone's legal copies of Warcraft 3 into "Reforged" whatever it installed on same machines with that Warcraft 3 copy
- Speaking of Overwatch, I also uninstalled Overwatch from one of my PC cuz recently, matchmaking of any game there took me forever quite literally
- and I tilted in competitive Overwatch games bit too much, rendering myself climbing anywhere past Bronze rank somewhat Unlikely
- freeing up Disk Space
- did I mentions Overwatch 2 did downgrades Overwatch 1
feb 11 2024 ∞ mar 11 2024 +
- polish(if not outright finishing) my mega-crossover project
- trying out bunch of new Artstyles in Style challenge featuring 29 favorite characters of mine
- salvage my online posts
- consider making Friday Night Funkin mod featuring Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, Hikari, Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, Koganei, Isami, Toshi, and Soshi from Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon anime, Teen Titans 2003, Digimon, Flame of Recca, and Soar High! Isami respectively(with following specs: KH destiny trio take their kh2 looks, both Ash and Misty wears their Advanced Generation clothes while Melody wears her casual clothes, Raven have her hood open, all 8 Digidestined take their 02!Summer looks, and...
jan 1 2024 ∞ jan 29 2024 +
- certain Spambots in Deviantart did advertises online gambling
- Deviantart's support for Israel(cuz this parent company is Wix)
- today's deviantart is worse than ever
oct 23 2023 ∞ oct 23 2023 +
- when buying Ubisoft games Digitally, only buy them from GOG.com and play them offline
- same with EA games(Unless when it's abandonwares) and Actiblizz ones(unless when latter is only available pirated) not to mention Bethesda games
may 3 2023 ∞ jan 15 2025 +
- He can't take off his superhero costume, so he's technically naked
- he's made from metal
- not to mention he doesn't bleed like the rest
- and he's harder to draw than other Teen Titans
- plus, he's bigger and bulkier than other core team of Animated Teen Titans
oct 9 2022 ∞ dec 20 2024 +
Note: the characters that’ll listed here are restricted to fully AU characters(or at least more AU than others here in Ani-Toonspiracy)
- Computer-Assisted and Biologically-Augmented lifeform: the reason is: his backstory is very different from his canon self(he’s uses different alien technology than his canon self) other than that, he’s still uses networks of (often) literal Human Brain in a Jar for his CPU(besides Monolith that makes this CABAL different from canon self)
- Frank Castle aka Punisher: his backstory is different from any of his (Canon) Marvel versions cuz he’s hails from Traverse Town instead of anywhere in Marvel Multiverse, his backstory is very similar to Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe self(in terms of being someone that loses his family to Superhuman battles, this time in...
aug 8 2022 ∞ aug 8 2022 +
- to push "jews/israelis/zionists can do no wrong" propaganda
- for Deviantart: to get technical expertise to modernize their site with Wix' algorithms
- and for extra fundings of Deviantart
jul 31 2022 ∞ aug 3 2022 +
- heterophobic white supremacists
- people that use veganism as excuse to restricts their kill counts to puny humans, notably one that thinks Muslims are more subhuman than non-sapient animals
- cyberbullies that uses both Kiwifarms and FSTDT/Rationalwiki
jul 3 2022 ∞ may 19 2023 +
- rogue conspiracy theorists like Flat Earth societies ruined even so-called conspiracy theories for Rexsa47
- TTG hatedom ruined 2003 Teen Titans for Channeleleven as well Blazgearblade
- poohpiles ruined fan-made massive crossovers for Luckyisgay
- Loud House fandom ruined the Loud House for lot of people including myself
apr 11 2022 ∞ mar 7 2023 +
- Metal SLug Database
- Titansgo.net
- Heroeswiki.com
- trsrockin.com
- Gonetoground.ca(40k fan-webcomic, I read this during my first foray into Warhammer 40k)
- Artnoodle(dies from suffering similar drama to Buzzly one)
mar 23 2022 ∞ nov 21 2022 +
- Happy Tree Friends(somewhat)
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: emphasis on Love in first 2 seasons, but hate part is emphasized on later seasons
- Pokemon Anime: same with above
- Digimon 02: as I think about any other shows that got the same treatment with (Current) Pokemon anime, this anime(along it's sequels) is all that I can think of. I love this often just for it's character designs of 8 Digidestined, especially in their summer/casual looks. I hate Tri even more
- Deviantart: cuz of it's current deterioration
- anything owned by Google
- Facebook(and it's subsidiaries)
- Twitter
- Tumblr
aug 25 2021 ∞ aug 25 2021 +
- Bringing up Yugioh(when arguing with anyone against giving Digimon and Pokemon humans superpowers)
- comparing Science Skeptics' one-sided arguments with Impossible challenges and situations(usually from latter have better chance of success than former) in order to deconstruct their arguments
aug 9 2021 ∞ aug 9 2021 +
- people pretending everything outside current consensus reality never existed IRL
- people thinks we're extinct before we discover anything (zanier) sci-fi
- Digimon 01/02/tri and (current) Pokemon anime treated like no other anime-style mediums, unless when other anime-style stuff in question are most grounded and realistic
- official narratives of current world events(somewhat at least)
- the concept of metaphysical solipsism in general(particularly it's take on godkiller scenario)
- my favorite Pokemon and Digimon characters being portrayed as Useless wimps(at least without their mons)
- fictional Characters being more real than "real" people
jun 11 2021 ∞ feb 20 2023 +
- Pewdiepie
- Markiplier
- Jacksepticeye
- anything that against my beliefs and views of the world
- AlternateHistoryHub(at least lot of it)
- Matpat/the Game Theory/The Film Theory
- Kurzgesagt’s The Ultimate Conspiracy Debunker
- Racist Mario
- any Islamophobic videos
- FNAF videos
- (most)Current Pokemon anime videos
- Youtube Copyright School
- any Heterophobic videos
- any Pro-zionist videos
- anything that promotes Religious Sectarianism (mixed)
- Infowars(due to Alex Jones’ newfound bigotries, old-school is fine, I just hate new Infowars)
apr 8 2021 ∞ apr 8 2021 +
- making youtube video about Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, Hikari, Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, Koganei, Isami, Toshi, and Soshi (all in their walfa forms) sings Baka mitai: Check! https://youtu.be/OiLqkdaTTEY
- polish either the writings of Ani-Toonspiracy project
- salvage anything I posted in https://Epicxovermovie.webs.com
- make custom level sets of Ricochet Infinity(about Ani-Toonspiracy project)
- make Proper game with Klik n Play
- working on my version of If the Emperor had a Text-to-SPeech device
- be more active blogging in Wordpress
- making another youtube video: about Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, ...
mar 4 2021 ∞ jun 19 2021 +
- Fanart-central
- Pixiv
- Weasyl
- Inkbunny
- Instagram
- Artspacious
- Artrise(stillborns)
- Inkblot.art
- Sheezyart(died twice)
- side7
nov 15 2020 ∞ sep 16 2022 +
- all Superpowered beings that aren't those like Ironman are mistaken for Pokemon
- Israeli Jews and White South Africans monopolizes Middle Eastern and African Vegetarians and Vegans
sep 24 2019 ∞ nov 22 2019 +
- Actual Pooh's Adventures: https://poohadventures.fandom.com/wiki/P...
- Five Nights at Freddy's with anything
- Fate of the World(PC Game) and Medal of Honor(2010 and Warfighter only): 2 piles of Politically Correct shit
may 8 2019 ∞ jun 2 2019 +
- Worldwide fanwork bans
- Islamophobic Vegetarians or Vegans(cuz they're unusually prone to become murderers, for those type of people. too bad, I forgetting that some of them are certain Atheists that's big on Eastern Religions where their Islamophobia part are overlaps with their Christophobia and Religious Antisemitism)
jan 16 2019 ∞ sep 25 2019 +
- Forget to save Drakathownz' videos about his own fanworks to my hard drives
- bought F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin from Steam instead of GOG.com(even worse when Steam are not usable anymore on WIndows XP as of now)
- Forget to taking cues from Warhammer 40k-themed Command and Conquer Generals: Zero hour total conversion mod (as well anything else 40k) back when I make what's basically Rise of the Reds with Reptilians in terms of 'science and technology beyond farthest reaches of imagination' that Anunnaki uses there
- faking my ages for sign-up to eBay
- Spawning 'Zomdies from McDonalds' meme in Sporum community out of my immaturity(it's now bullshit for me even when Anunnaki are still my thing)
- sending Death Threats involving Carnivorous Nanobots to Pre-reboot!Khinsider forum...
jan 5 2019 ∞ oct 20 2019 +
- We're aren't the only existing sapients IRL universe
- our universe is more Science-fantasy like
- when making crossovers with our world, this can makes crossover works better
dec 22 2018 ∞ dec 22 2018 +
dec 16 2018 ∞ dec 16 2018 +
- Real World Conspiracy Theories(or at least so called ones)
- Massive crossovers, particularly Ani-Toonspiracy project
- Digimon
- Teen Titans(2003-2006 cartoon)
- Pokemon anime(orange island are my most favorite)
- Kingdom Hearts
- Happy Tree Friends
- super Mario Bros
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
- Warhammer 40000
- Heroes TV Series
- Metal Slug
- FPS Games
- RTS Games
oct 3 2018 ∞ oct 3 2018 +
- Born at 26th of October 1991
- 50% Conspiracy Theorist(more accurately Conspiracy analyst/realist), 50% Crossover Fetishist, all Autistic
- knows varying bits and pieces of many languages in addition of Indonesian, English, and Sundanese ones
- coins new crossover ships
- considers most of Science Skeptics worst fanatics ever whatever someone counter-debunks anything they debunks and challenge their beliefs
aug 25 2017 ∞ feb 12 2021 +
as I getting rid of my deviantart account, I moves away from making new Fill-in memes for following reasons:
- it's sheer laziness
- and it's more of copyright infringement than fanarts that drawn from scratch, unless using artworks that it's users drawn from scratch there
- not to mention it's brainrot in the form of deviantart post
nov 28 2024 ∞ dec 29 2024 +
oct 21 2024 ∞ oct 21 2024 +
- Grey Knights uses Sisters of battle's bodily fluids as armor paints to prevents former from joining the ranks of Chaos Space Marines
- everyone in Pokemon anime(including even Ash's friends) except Ash himself(cuz he stays 10) grows older
- YouTube bots says "you can make money with AI-generated works, but you can't make even fan arts and fanfics for absolutely anything, unless use only Public Domain IPs"
- IRL Humanity exists just to nuke Omniverse upon their extinction, before even returns to Moon
- Indonesians Hardline Islamists mistaking Malaysian Sunnis as well even Vegetarian/vegan Sunni muslims for Shias(where in reality, Malaysia did literally bans Shia Islam)
- Blaming Conspiracy Theorists(when it's so...
jul 16 2024 ∞ nov 20 2024 +
here's the reasons why the animations of Ani-toonspiracy are broken down into episodes instead of being feature-length movies(even when former still have (mostly) same plot with latter):
- cutting costs
- and to give each characters more character developments and at least moment of shine as well to alleviate "Out of focus" as expected with something with too many protagonists
jun 29 2024 ∞ aug 3 2024 +
- it makes Wine prefixes optional(when it's true virtual machine) when running Windows games and programs
- other Linux distros may needs Wine prefixes(as a virtual machine) to run WIndows games
jun 16 2024 ∞ aug 19 2024 +
here's the examples of Survivor guilt in Ani-toonspiracy
- Hiro Nakamura: lost 7 billion people from his home universe(save for Emile Danko)
- Flippy and Splendid: lost Sneaky, Mouse Kaboom, and SSSSSSquad respectively
- Adam Jensen: lost Hajime Kindaichi and latter's gang
- John Price: being sole survivor of Task Force 141, this leads to he murders everyone in Nolan's Gotham city
- Arkhamverse!Bruce Wayne: for being last living Justice League member of his native universe
may 21 2024 ∞ jul 15 2024 +
- Magic spells are less of Trained skills and more of Mutant superpowers(even when this aren't unique to Wizarding world)
- Superman's powers can make it's magics obsolete
- certain opinions in Spacebattles.com
- it calls even Superpowered people as "Muggles", if their superpowers aren't magical like Wizarding world ones(in crossovers notably)
- not to mention J.K. Rowling's (Christian) Zionism
- match-up that merely thinking about it m...
feb 13 2024 ∞ may 21 2024 +
these are instances where people can misuse words "Mary Sue" or "Gary Stu"
- any Superpowered Beings that aren't (strictly) Digimon in Adventure sequels and reboots of Digimon
- people like Flippy, Splendid, and Buddhist Monkey in HTF
feb 1 2024 ∞ feb 1 2024 +
- using AI to draw more obscure characters(which can makes up lot of my faves) can make them look Bootleggish
- Generative AIs relies on stealing works from their datasheet to do their drawings/writings(this wasn't so bad if AI tools limit what their datasheet can accept to public domain pictures or only trains from local files)
dec 4 2023 ∞ oct 4 2024 +
- to adapt with Linux when jumping to Linux
- most games that playable in ASUS Rog Ally, but not playable in Steam Deck are published by greedy corporate scum that I boycott for a reason
- and when I played GOG.com games, I tends to leaned toward playing them offline
- also Windows 11 may has comparable problems with Deviantart Eclipse
- not to Mention ASUS ROG Ally can be more expensive than Steam Deck
- SteamOS can make Wine prefixes optional(when it's form of virtual machine) when running Windows games(unlike (most) other Linux distros)
sep 7 2023 ∞ oct 4 2024 +
- Tails x Cream from Sonic: cuz both are underage kids
- Spike x Rarity from MLP:FIM
- Bart x Lisa Simpson: obviously Incest
- Beat x Rhyme from TWEWY: ditto
- any Age gap ships where one of it's participants are below 18
dec 19 2022 ∞ mar 2 2024 +
- World Mythologies(primarily their original mythologies): for being part of our world(often from extensive use of Crossover Cosmology, here’s how we positions timelines of mythological events into real world history: Noah’s flood take place between Pleistocene and Holocene, Biblical War in Heaven(and possibly Baratayuda wars) being same event with Cretaceous-Paleocene Extinction Event, etc)
- other (pre-Zero Punctuation) Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw works: for being sets in the same universe with Chzo Mythos and Trilby: Art of Theft
- Detective Academy Q: for sharing Universe with Kindaichi
- most other Disney stuff(including Winnie the Pooh): for being part of Kingdom Hearts
- Portal: for being part of Half-Life
- Red vs Blue: being Part of Halo(as it’s...
aug 15 2022 ∞ aug 15 2022 +
- FANDOM/Miraheze mirror of one
- (defunct) Project A.F.T.E.R.: often dubbed as Copyright Nazi's TVtropes
- itjustbugsme forum
- Giantitp forum
aug 6 2022 ∞ sep 13 2022 +
- make Herbivores more suited for hunting than carnivores
- allow Swords and other medieval weapons make firearms, explosives, and other modern weapons obsolete instead
jul 15 2022 ∞ jul 15 2022 +
- Somewhingawful dot com(cuz we need to pay to took residence here)
- neogaf(ditto)
- Ubisoft's uPlay
- Toyhouse(cuz I'm bit too fanart-oriented to use this site)
- Artfight(I'm too lazy to art trades)
- UnVale(similar reasons I don't use Toyhouse)
apr 13 2022 ∞ aug 3 2024 +
Drawing Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, Hikari, Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, Koganei, Isami, Toshi, and Soshi from Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon anime, 2003 Teen Titans cartoon, Digimon, Flame of Recca, and Soar High! Isami respectively(in a following specs: KH Human trio take their KH2 forms, both Ash and Misty wears their AG outfits and Melody wears her casual clothes, Raven have her hood open, all 8 Digidestined take their 02!Summer looks, and all 5 Hokage take their final burning looks) in following styles
- ✔ Powerpuff girls style
- ✔ Danny Phantom style
- ✔ K-on! Style
- ✔ Adventure time Style
- ✔ Eddsworld style(as a decade memorial for ...
apr 5 2022 ∞ mar 11 2025 +
these are the reason why I don't do Inktobers of any Year:
- I tend to prefer drawings of either my favorite characters colored
- and I'm way too lazy to do that
oct 7 2021 ∞ may 25 2022 +
- Encyclopedia Dramatica
- Change.org
- (current) Deviantart
- Tumblr
aug 11 2021 ∞ aug 11 2021 +
- Spiriborg – Cybernetic Organisms that utilize Extradimensional entities as much as traditional Hollywood Cyborgs uses Cybernetic Enhancements or Bioborgs uses Wetware implants. Traditional Chinese Medicines, especially one that utilizes Endangered Animal’s organs or body parts are used to turns it’s patients into Spiriborgs.
- Geo-ghosting – port-manteau between Geo-banning and Comment-Ghosting(aka Shadowbanning), this was about Internet pretending anything/anyone from certain parts of the world never existed
- Extra-corpular activity – just another word for “Out of Body Experience”, preferably scientific term for such
- Athernite(also spelled Ethernite) – portmanteau between words ‘Aether’ and ‘Nanite’: another term for Hyperdimensional nanotechnology (also known as Ecto-...
jul 24 2021 ∞ jul 24 2021 +
- Wix.com
- Blizzard's Battle.net
- Monday.com
- TVtropes
- Skeb.jp
- Rockstar Social club?
- Photobucket
- Deviantart: same reason I delete my Wix account
- Inkblot.art: too much bugs here
- Rosesintheflames: too biased for me
- Shopee: unused account deleted automatically
- Wattpad
apr 8 2021 ∞ jul 28 2024 +
- making any Death Threats(such as ones directed against pre-reboot KHinsider forum staff)
- making some people in deviantart blocked me for my request spamming(not everyone that blocked me are for this reason)
- using Marry Your Favorite CHaracter online
- "Syndrome the Cheater" fanfic: this old crappy fanfic I write is posted in Titansgo dot net, it's about Teen Titans(at the time I yet to ditch Cyborg) rescues characters from other favorite series of mine from Syndrome and Omnidroid(that's invulnerable to everything) where at the time of it's writing, it has absent dialogues and I has yet to bothered to give at least some of favorite characters of mine powerups, not to mention I forget to admit that Omnidroid are terribly weak to Technopaths at the time during writing of this o...
mar 13 2021 ∞ jun 12 2024 +
as much as I have nothing against "Conspiracy Theories", here's the criticisms of conspiracy theories(can't be the same as wikipedia's ones)
- Reptilian Conspiracy Theorists, in General, forgets about Reptilians' mortality
- people forgets Occult Symbols aren't exempt from "Guns don't kill people, People kill people" maxim
- People forget that Cognitive dissonance can be a 2-way street(in other words, even people like me can suffer this)
- people sometimes forget that "comforting truths and/or unpleasant lies" are a thing
- even COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in general are tend to assume COVID-19 kills everyone that catch it (no matter how good their health and conditions are) just as much as official narrative does
- people forgets certain COVID vaccines are...
feb 12 2021 ∞ feb 14 2023 +
- Project A.F.T.E.R. forums: Copyright Nazi’s TVtropes
- Saints Row series: Adam West’s GTA
- Activision: Electronic Arts 2.0 aka Second Electronic Arts
- Ubisoft: European Electronic Arts
- Eiji Takaoka from Boukenger: Vegetarian Inuyasha
- Payton Tate himself(aka one that contacted me to put his HTF OC into my mega-crossover project): Payton the Betrayer
- Mamee Monster: Malaysian Bootleg Cookie Monster
- German-censored violent games: vegan-friendly murder simulator
- Encyclopedia Encarta: nineties' Wikipedia
- ORMUS/Monoatomic Gold: Real Life Magicite
- Bellular: Irish Pewdiepie clone
- Shadowrun series: Cyberpunk Lord of the R...
jul 7 2020 ∞ jul 6 2023 +
jul 17 2019 ∞ jul 17 2019 +
jan 17 2019 ∞ nov 22 2019 +
- Snopes: for having clear pro-elite agenda
- Kiwifarms: for dedicated to cyberbullying
- HTFSocial: for being Encyclopedia Dramatica of social networks
- Rationalwiki: largely for the reasons stated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1StgToO...
- TVtropes(sometimes barring it's spin-offs): largely for the same reason with Rationalwiki and Snopes
jan 13 2019 ∞ jan 13 2019 +
- Taichi Yagami: Fire Manipulation and can enhances his physicals to superhuman levels with his willpower
- Yamato Ishida: Ice Manipulation and Super Strength(his powers depends on his friends nearby, working alone makes him mere mortal)
- Sora Takenouchi: Flight and Air Manipulation
- Koshiro Izumi: Technopathy and Electric Manipulation
- Mimi Tachikawa: Plant and Earth Manipulaton
- Joe Kido: Water Manipulation and Healing
- Takeru Takaishi: Space, Time, and Probability manipulation
- Hikari Yagami: Psychic Powers and Light Manipulation
- Daisuke Motomiya: Plasma Manipulation and random superpowers he can pull off
- Miyako Inoue: Gravity Manipulation
dec 22 2018 ∞ dec 24 2019 +
- Anything conspiratorial as well Intelligent sapient life that aren't Us and so on not to mention any superhero powers that spoken by anything other than high-tech exoskeleton that aren't mutually exclusive to nonhumans(our universe)
- Ash's Aura Powers as well any superpowered beings that aren't Pokemon (Pokemon anime)
- Ka-Pow! Exclusives (Happy Tree Friends)
dec 18 2018 ∞ feb 7 2019 +
- Debunking Fermi Paradox (antiscience)
- legimately criticizing Israel (Antisemitism)
- bioengineer people for something other than Genderlifting, Racebending, or making them purely Herbivore or Carnivore (Antiscience/Pseudoscience)
- convincing anyone that God/Allah can create anything and everything (Antiscience)
- making any Jew Bad Guys, even when only some of them that's one (Antisemitism)
- challenging current perception of reality (Antiscience)
- convinces anyone that there's bigger threat for this universe than both Man-made Global Warming and Islamic Terrorism (Antiscience and Antisemitism)
oct 5 2018 ∞ dec 17 2018 +
- Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, and Hikari from Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon Anime, 2000s Teen Titans Cartoon, and Digimon respectively: to make everything fair, at least some characters here are powered up than their canon selves to have everyone here can fight together in equal grounds and appearance wise: KH Humans must takes KH2 forms, both Ash and Misty are wears their Advanced Generation clothes while Melody wears her street clothes, All 8 Digidestined are takes 02 forms with summer clothes from 17th episode of Digimon 02, and Raven have her hood open
- Anyone from Warhammer 40k with whole Happy Tree Friends, Mario, Sonic, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic main characters
nov 2 2017 ∞ nov 4 2017 +
My biggest fandoms:
- Digimon
- Teen Titans(2003-2006 cartoon only)
- Pokemon Anime(though I hate it's current seasons)
- Kingdom Hearts
- Happy Tree Friends
- Mario Bros
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Warhammer 40.000
- Heroes TV Series
- Metal Slug
- Crysis(though I hate Crysis 2-3 and comics for retconning nanosuits and killing Nomad)
- Chzo Mythos
- Iji
- Extreme Ghostbusters
- Flame of Recca
- Isami Shinsengumi
aug 25 2017 ∞ may 12 2018 +
- it requires Epic Game Store account to play
- more recently, it's invaded by Skibidi toilet
dec 20 2024 ∞ dec 20 2024 +
- forgetting that modern anime of Pokemon(before this retires Ash and Pikachu) sharing the curse with Digimon 02(and it's sequels)
- and doesn't acknowledges that Takeru and Hikari being part of 02 crew(without being Sidelined and Nerfed into even Anti sues) are totally possible, so this can be better written than pre-Horizons modern anime of Pokemon
oct 22 2024 ∞ jan 30 2025 +
- Artrise: it's not-so legitimate forking into Buzzly.art was closest thing this goes under the sun, and Buzzly drama did killed Buzzlyart for even me
- Artspacious: I looks forward this most, for being more like pre-eclipse Deviantart than other deviantart alternatives, and I'm confident this will see the light of the day(unless confirmed otherwise)
- Sheezy.art come back from it's shutdown, but it's owner has beef with me(since I tried this back before this sheezyart's revival temporarily shutdowns)
- Artfol: looks forward Artfol 2.0 too
- Itaku: silent
- Side7: good, but some of my deviations are too political/controversial to be migrated here, and it's around since 90s
- Preefix: one of few deviantart alternatives that doesn't ban AI arts
- Furaffinity: it's furry bias makes me not...
aug 6 2024 ∞ feb 15 2025 +
- tunes up and polish the writings of the Ultimate Crossover Movie and spin-off
- working on profiles of characters, worlds, and technologies
- writing stories like stories from Traverse Town as well ones to fit Scrappy doo and Scooby Dum a... not to mention other stories to fit even more things into this project's story
- animating some elements myself
jul 4 2024 ∞ jul 26 2024 +
here's the reasons why I never draw hate arts of even anything I hate:
- it's plain Immature
- it's waste of talent
- and it take even my hatred too far
jun 20 2024 ∞ jun 20 2024 +
- legal reasons: it's creators disapproves fanfics based on the work posted in FF.net, and I don't want significant copyright problems in my mega-crossover
- thematic reasons: remember Archie and Punisher crossover?
may 25 2024 ∞ sep 11 2024 +
there's at least 2 reasons why I merges my favorite crossover ensemble of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy (Kingdom Hearts); Ash, Misty, Tracey, and Melody (Pokemon); Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Mimi, Koshiro, Joe, Takeru, and Hikari (Digimon); and Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven (Teen Titans 2003) with one that consists Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, Koganei, Isami, Toshi, and Soshi from Flame of Recca and Soar High! isami respectively:
- to add another characters that closer to Robin in terms of unpowered Baseline Humans(at least when assuming Digimon and Pokemon casts here are powered-up), even when those people are still Colloquially metahuman from use of magical weaponry
- to address Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, Koganei, Isami, Toshi, and Soshi's lack of healers
- to add characters with blood types establ...
mar 31 2024 ∞ nov 24 2024 +
- Heroes Reborn
- Digimon Tri and it's follow-up
- Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League for Arkhamverse
- Crysis 2-3 and Comics
- First Encounter Assault Recon 3
- Red Alert iOS and 3
- every Pokemon episode past Rivalry Revival one(when Tracey become Professor Oak's assistant), until Ash's retirement from Anime
- Kingdom hearts Dream Drop Distance, and any later Kingdom Hearts installments
feb 3 2024 ∞ oct 5 2024 +
- Some of it's wikis disappeared from the face of earth, if it's about more obscure franchises(FANDOM)
- did I listed them earlier?(Deviantart)
- book burning to "debunk" everything that people calls Conspiracy Theory and the like(Wikipedia)
dec 9 2023 ∞ jan 29 2024 +
- salvage the project to whatever Deviantart alternatives I use
- looking for animators for this project
oct 22 2023 ∞ oct 22 2023 +
- Thomas the train series(cuz of either Thomas x Twilight Sparkle. granted, I ban this franchise from my mega-crossover to keep mine from being too similar to Pooh's Adventures)
- Five Nights at Freddy's(back when I propose something that make animatronics threat to anyone more powerful than a normal person, it's fanbase killed this for me)
- the Loud House(I can either blame Bart-toons as well Loudcest shippers as well it's reaction memes in Deviantart)
- Gacha Life/club(due to toxic users of Gacha)
- Ash x Serena aka Amourshipping
- Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts
feb 12 2023 ∞ jan 2 2024 +
- Wix being overprotective to mere AIs make former refuses to give Deviantart proper reCAPTCHAs
- Permanent eclipse mode
- removal of everything that make Deviantart good website
sep 13 2022 ∞ sep 27 2022 +
here’s the list of universes that my mega-crossover uses that has Fanon Discontinuity(note: at least some of the universes used by Ani-Toonspiracy project are too good to even get this treatment):
- Pokemon anime: stops following Official canon after Rivalry Revival episode where after this episode, Tracey accompanies Ash and company to Johto(and later regions) instead of becoming Professor Oak’s assistant
- Heroes tv show: goes canon AU from event where Hiro and Ando offered to join Arthur’s team only to having Hiro refuses to join it
- Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance-onward have their continuity ignored(even when this uses some elements from KH3, notably convoluted plots from Birth by Sleep)
- Digimon adventure: stop following official canon past Our War Game movie
aug 8 2022 ∞ aug 18 2022 +
- they can distracted me from working on my projects(even as a troper from Itjustbugsme forums said)
- they become just like mainstream media(which I swore to avoid) down to their adverse effect for mental health
- and this can makes me attention hungry
jul 20 2022 ∞ jul 20 2022 +
- both are guilty of fearmongering(each has their own Boogeymen)
- both have their own toxic fans(known as SJWs)
- and so on
jun 7 2022 ∞ jul 2 2022 +
- to fit an Incarnation Vice City into HD Universe
- and to expands HD Universe further
too bad, Rockstar games are distracted from making it in favor of milking either GTA Online(this is perhaps outdated)
apr 7 2022 ∞ oct 12 2023 +
- Digimon: Digimon: like first 2 seasons for 8 original Digidestined(with 02 ages and it's summer looks), later Digimon seasons was primarily for their writing styles
- Teen Titans: loved the 2003-2006 animated series, hated TTG, and was neutral on other Teen Titans incarnations. my favorites are 4 stick-thin core members of the 2003 animated team
- Pokemon: love it's main anime(primarily it's 2nd season most, down to it's resident Poketrio(with added Pokemon 2000's resident one-off pokegirl)), hate current seasons of Pokemon anime, somewhat take cues from Pokemon special
- Kingdom Hearts: give up playing it's games, though I still love my top 5 favorite characters from this series. and this inspired me of writing my mega-crossover
- Sonic the Hedgehog: I love collecting it'...
jan 20 2022 ∞ aug 8 2022 +
- Deviantart's lack of (good) replacements(Debunked)
- unfinished requests that I give out there
aug 14 2021 ∞ dec 28 2023 +
- their decision to not include any FF characters there(unless ReMind DLC)
- requires Expensive next-gen consoles that I swore not to buy(this was make me hypocritical from possibly spending more money in microtransactions(that can costs more money than next-gen consoles) than buying those consoles)
- Kairi's death where her resurrection costs Sora's life
- back in 2010, I proposed a massive crossover project from giving up KH3(among other reasons) where this did Kairi better than actual KH3
aug 1 2021 ∞ aug 1 2021 +
- Wikipedia user since 2007(though I only have true account since 2018)
- Friendster user since 2007
- Myspace user since 2007
- Photobucket user since 2007
- Blogger user since 2008
- Abovetopsecret user since 2008
- Deviantart user since 2008
- Steam user since 2008(though I only active since 2015-2016)
- Newgrounds member since 2008
- KHinsider forum user since 2007/2008 (former due to my permabans from there until it's server reboot let me rejoin this site)
- Titansgo.net user since 2008
- Gamespot user since 2008
- Paypal user since 2008
- Facebook user since 2009
- Internet Archive user since 2009
- Twitter user since 2009
may 2 2021 ∞ feb 17 2025 +
- Imperial Guard Regiment and Space Marine chapter that serve the Grox empire from Spore
- mish-mash between bunch of Different space marine chapters in traverse town
- Tyranid hive-fleet with Kryptonian DNA(think about Paradooms as a Tyranids instead of Parademons)
- Vehicularis Assassin Temple(Imperial Assassins that specializes on carjacking)
mar 28 2021 ∞ mar 24 2024 +
- Reptilians creates both Human species and Religions(cuz this can promotes apostasy, even when Reptilians are still my thing)
- Flat Earth theory(for scaring people from studying otherworldly things)
- Qanon(ditto, and for it's right wing biases)
- Moon Landings are faked(same reason with Flat Earth being conspiracy theory I don't buying to, and there's Pakistani astronomer that debunk this, even UFO sightings in Apollo 11 footage did help debunk this)
- assumptions that mass shootings are faked(people that believe this are usually nothing but right wingers and this is often used as an excuse to owns guns personally, not to mention people that buying into this conspiracy theory are like-minded to today's American mass shooters in terms ...
feb 28 2021 ∞ mar 24 2024 +
- any film made by Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg
- Commander Cool iOS game: from stealing Metal Slug fan-sprites
- One-sided crossovers
- Flanderization(as a trope)
- online Petitions
- Bootleg games(at best, and not to be confused with pirated copies of any video games)
- fill-in memes(cuz they're illegal as Shit in any dedicated artsites outside Deviantart)
jul 7 2020 ∞ jul 5 2022 +
- CO2 can do anything as well all Terrorists are muslims
- Ash Ketchum's victories are fillers
sep 24 2019 ∞ sep 24 2019 +
- Ani-Toonspiracy
- Command and Conquer Generals: 2012 Independence day(scrapped)
- Metal Slug 2012(status: deader than dead fic)
- Pokehearts Slug(scrapped)
- Zak's If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech device
- crossover about Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy (Kingdom Hearts); Ash, Misty, Tracey, and Melody (Pokemon anime); Robin, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy (original Teen Titans); Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, and Hikari (Digimon); Recca, Domon, Fuko, Mikagami, and Koganei (Flame of Recca); and Isami, Soshi, and Toshi (Isami Shinsengumi) interacting with Overwatch characters as well TF2 mercenaries
feb 1 2019 ∞ apr 9 2019 +
- Sectarianism(any major religions)
- Literal Demons(aka Jinns) being exclusively Herbivores(new age)
jan 14 2019 ∞ jan 14 2019 +
- Sugar poisons Carnivore and Omnivore pets equally
- tiny turtles are Redshirt of pets
dec 22 2018 ∞ dec 22 2018 +
- convince anyone that both Democrats and Republicans parties are a same thing
- slapping Real Life conspiracy theories to even Mega-crossover
dec 16 2018 ∞ dec 16 2018 +
- (most of) 'Science Skeptics' in General
- most of Democrats and Republicans in general(since either parties are like Day and Night replacements for Global village) as well Politically correct shit that they pushes(which makes up much of what people calls "Real Life issues")
- People that support fanwork-outlawing Copyright laws
- People that thinks Official Crossovers are only Crossovers that ever works
- Five Nights at Freddy's(or at least it's fanbase)
- Reality TV Shows(this might be the reason I hate Total Drama as a whole)
- Anti Sues
- (most of) Famous Youtubers, notably Pewdiepie and Markiplier
- most Creepypastas that aren't SCP Foundation
- Sectarianism: for being base breaker of a...
nov 8 2017 ∞ mar 29 2018 +
- Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koshiro, Mimi, Joe, Takeru, and Hikari from Digimon(they all must takes 02 forms with summer clothes from 17th episode of Digimon 02)
- Robin, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy from Teen Titans(must from 2003-2006 cartoon)
- Ash, Misty, Tracey, and Melody from Pokemon Anime(the former 2 must wears Advanced Generation clothes)
- Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy from Kingdom hearts(former 3 must takes KH2 forms)
- Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, Petunia, Flaky, Nutty, Sniffles, etc. from Happy Tree Friends
- Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Yoshi, Rosalina, and Professor E. Gadd from Mario bros
- Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, and Blaze from Sonic th...
aug 27 2017 ∞ apr 13 2021 +