These are tropes and themes that are rooted in my core life/self, and that carry on throughout my lives.

♡ Anger issues, short fuse

♡ Suicidal ideation/tendencies (attempts of suicide always done on impulse at a breaking point)

♡ Lack of/loss of control

♡ Parallels/comparisons to Jesus Christ

♡ Loudmouth

♡ Public breakdowns or other public embarrassment

♡ Addiction

♡ Self-destruction

♡ Bad relationship with father

♡ Eye trauma

♡ Sexual assault/abuse (👎)

♡ Geek, hobbies often involve video games or TCGs

♡ Internalized homophobia

♡ Promiscuity

♡ Narcissism

♡ Low/no empathy

♡ Bull-headed

♡ Leech off of others for financial support and emotional support

♡ Inability to take fault for my own downfall or self destructive habits

♡ Reluctance to get help or even accept help

♡ Inherently selfishly natured

♡ Petty jealousy over even miniscule things

♡ Wolves/dogs + tigers

♡ Being seen as a monster

♡ Tough exterior with vulnerable and sensitive interior

♡ Fragility manifests as outward aggression

♡ Violent tendencies, intimidation tactics, and lashing out which are often a result of lacking control and wanting to gain more. These tendencies are also often a result of long-term mistreatment, abuse, or neglect.

♡ Aversion to babies/children

♡ Involved in media/the arts

♡ Off-putting or dry sense of humor

♡ DID/dissociative disorder, ASPD, NPD, OCD, ADHD, and/or OCD

♡ Manipulative and decieving

♡ Intelligence often overshadowed by lack of work or mental illness (or both), often viewed as a fool

♡ Delusional and/or paranoid

jun 14 2022 ∞
may 16 2024 +