- Why the fuck do you have your nose so far up other people's butts? I guess that's what happens when you live in the south and anything you do that isn't christian or lady like your shunned by closed minded baptists. I don't even fucking know if you're baptist but judging by the way you choose to indirectly hurt people's feelings based on their "bad" choices and decide take it into your own hands to "pray for them" i think it's safe to assume you're baptist.
- I guess it's a damn good thing you target people indirectly so they can find out through someone else and then turn into the bad guy if they were to call it to attention. It's a damn good thing that you like to turn yourself into god's little angel by making it seem like the only reason you're degrading someone based on their choices is because you "care about them" and you're only going to tell your whole fucking family and announce it (indirectly) on twitter so you can "pray for them"
- It's a good thing there's girls out there like you to remind people that being a christian means getting in everyone's business and attacking them by jumping on their every wrong move and being a clingy little bitch. It's so nice to know that there are genuine christian girls like you that have their own little spot in heaven reserved for them because you'll have no problem getting in when some bitch gets tired of your shit and does the deed of getting rid of you.
- It's nice that you really know how to get under people's skin but it's also nice that i see what you're doing and i understand that you're a spiteful little creature that doesn't control my friend or any of her choices and sure as hell won't do the same to me. i hope that one day karma fucking takes an explosive diarrhea on that pretty little face of yours.
sep 16 2013 ∞
mar 21 2014 +