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I feel like a little girl when I...
feel scared at night
fit into size 8 (that's a CHILD size 8) dress
eat lollipops
watch animated child movies
suck in helium from balloons
race into a revolving door someone's already in, becoming painfully awkward
honestly, am only in bed with someone else to only snuggle.

I question everything about everything and everyone including myself. Do I know...

listography NEW NEWS
  • + Dance Recitals
  • "-" Dance Practices
  • + Shakespeare and Company
  • + All of Spring and Summer
  • + Christmas
  • "-" Exams, Regents, Tests
  • "-" Working at the store when I was a nervous nelly and was scared
  • + Working at the store when I realized it was fun and I had nothing to be scared of
  • + Watching movies with B
  • "-" B kissing me
  • "-" B asking me out
    • feeling nausious after saying "yes" and worrying what my mom would say- BIG "-"!!!!!
  • + Going behind the school at the creek senior year
  • + NYSSA!!!!
  • "-" NYSMA!!!!
  • + Summer before college (Midsummer Nights Dream, Work, Summer!)
  • "-" B sleeping over when I moved to school
  • + R sleeping over :-*
  • + Playing behind my dad's office when I was young
  • + Flag Day Parade in Hudson
  • "-" Playing/Marching in the Parades :/
  • + Visits to Buffalo
  • "-" Visit to Buffalo when Grandma died
  • + Train ride to Rochester
  • + Going to/hanging out at/coming home from catskill
  • + Family concerts
  • "-" family parades. ugh. so embarrassing.
  • + My mom getting only happened once haha :)
  • + Flirting with H...and only flirting!
  • + Walking with cast to Extra-mart to get food
apr 22 2009 ∞
apr 23 2009 +