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My name is Gina and I'm made of stardust.

I love all things cute, furry, and sweet.

My hobbies are: magick, reading, writing, drawing, painting, gardening, cooking, gymnastics, yoga, nail art, crystal healing, and aromatherapy.

Experience is everything to me: I love meeting new people, trying new things, going new places. I want to experience and learn as much as possible in my life, th...

C travel (50 States)
listography NEW NEWS
  • The gloomy weather: rain, thunder, lightning, wind, fog, and snow.
  • That nowhere-is-better-than-under-the-blankets feeling.
  • Hot chocolate that you stir with a peppermint stick.
  • Hot apple cider that you stir with a cinnamon stick.
  • Christmas!
  • How it gets dark super early.
  • Taking hot baths with the window open while it rains outside.
  • Lighting candles.
  • Hardy, comfort food meals.
  • Layers of clothing.
  • Scarves and hats.
  • Gingerbread cookies dipped in eggnog.
  • Pomegranates are in season.
  • Orange colored, crunchy leaves.
  • Bare trees.
  • The smell of pine.
  • Ice skating.
nov 28 2008 ∞
nov 29 2008 +