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People like lists. My theory as to why is simple: lists are easy to read, requiring very little brain work; they are easy to focus on especially during those private moments when they’d like a little company. And lists give you something to think about: they inform, amuse, outrage, comfort and even confuse and are also out of your control: perfect entertainment.

websites (social media)
travel (memorable locations)
list icon
  • Ignorance of any kind
  • People who never pick up the check or leave a tip and think no one notices
  • Racial slurs
  • Low class/uneducated people (not necessarily formal)
  • Potty humor/dirty jokes
  • Workaholics
  • Bad table manners
  • Excessive cursing
  • Cheapness of any kind
  • Loud people, especially in public
  • Strippers
  • Bad food at a party
  • Cheap or tacky clothing
  • People who re-gift
  • People who give gifts you know they get for free or get a discount because they work for the company.
  • Religious zealots
  • Republicans and wishy washy dems.
aug 19 2006 ∞
may 2 2007 +