• chromatopsychoanalysize the media
  • "scorpions are good."
  • layered! like nachos! exponential growth
  • jesse in an orange pumpkin shirt and pyjama pants, curled up in a sleeping bag
  • ever since my diagnosis, i sleep just fine
  • "what did you use for reduction? don't tell me. platinum dioxide, right?" "no. mercury-aluminium amalgam. the dioxide's too hard to keep wet." "all right, well, you must've done it wrong, then."
  • splitsville, chump change, cyberbegging
  • "you're now the cute one of the group. paul, meet ringo. ringo, paul."
  • i'm not turning down the money. i'm turning down you.
  • is that the best you can do?
  • fly episode filler episode
  • metastasised [v.]: to spread to other parts of the body by way of the blood or lymphatic vessels or membranous surfaces
  • "must be thailand-hot up there. that's why he likes it. thailand's hot, right?"
  • association - windy (1967)
  • "he turned 4 in may. he's a gemini. would love this yard." "oh, plenty of space for a jungle gym. and the neighbourhood preschool is fantastic." "i think eli is going to be homeschooled." "well, great." "not for religious reasons. i wanna make sure he's getting attention. he'll still go to summer camp and whatnot, playdates. don't want him to be socially awkward." "makes sense." "he tests very highly, 96 percentile. but that whole right brain, left brain. you want those in balance." "oh, yeah." "you said the casita has plumbing? i work a lot with clay, so i need access to running water."
  • endocarditis, a bacterial infection of the heart valves
  • walter white losing, asking "where is the money?", finding out skylar handed it all to ted, and he laughs maniacally
nov 18 2015 ∞
jan 31 2016 +