• conversations on the adhesive memos she brought to class in the year 2015
  • her being horrible and brilliant
  • her, surprisingly, excelling in comforting
  • how she actually cries from laughter
  • pictures of what she's baking but usually, not her baking
  • fairytale and especially red riding hood imaginery
  • her pointing out inconsistencies in life such as "ontscaped?" and "chili con carne, sin carne"
  • "my dad doesn't think you exist" and her dad suggesting i come meet her parents in general
  • her listening face, whether her fascination is genuine or not
  • how i actually sometimes can't tell
  • how she trusts me enough to tell me i've been the first person who ever made her feel like this is what friendship is, how she trusts me enough to go along with whatever
  • teaching me russian and sending me russian rock music
  • eventually nonverbally admits i was right all along
  • "sleep, please"
  • she is kind of my plato
  • the intonation of her voice when she says my name in disbelief
  • the intonation of her voice when she says my name, ill-humored
  • constant mutual understanding
  • she is aware of how much my presence is a travesty and she still wants to show me off
  • seeing the new star wars film with her and her archery friends; seeing the new deadpool film with her and her archery friends
  • "sometimes you talk to others and it is like we are having a mental inside joke going on at the same time."
  • that moment where she was crying with her face in my shoulder, mumbling "i have denmfsds" and i couldn't make out what she was saying so i suggested "you have dermatillomania?", after which we laughed for 5 minutes because i actually thought that was what she was trying to tell me
  • an analysis of scrupolosity through crime and punishment and macbeth with the duration of our entire senior year
  • "this will be tmi" "give me your actual worst "
  • instantly understanding what i mean when i say a person we have a codename for "looks so good and yet so terrible at the same time" and sending each other pictures of androgynous singer-songwriters who give off the same vibe
  • a shared reputation of dropping other people's phones
  • whenever anyone compliments her on clothes i picked out for her she never gives me credit (i like it that way)
  • she made #shitvincesays happen and honestly i never thought i'd live to have a friend who loved me enough to make a shit _ says for me
  • i don't think i ever found a person who suited my emotional needs as well and whose emotional needs i don't mind having to meet either, i think she's been really good to me and her presence helps me become a better person--i actually been scared off from vocalizing my attachment to people due to what happened concerning the two people i cared most for last year where i would really idealize my relationship with them, so i am cautious with everything i have to share about my feelings these days, but i think she's the exact visual of glisten in the dark and i hope one day she can see what i see in her, and i want to support her while she tries to grow in to self-love at a rate she's comfortable with, i learned not to rush that either, i'm always proud of her and where she is now, and, i can't stress that enough somehow
  • iron buddha tea after school against all odds pretty much every day
  • her comparisons of me to her kitten are so well thought-out i'm certain she made powerpoints at home arranging all she has to say on them
  • her hubris in terms of submitting facebook comments and expecting no backlash
  • she has "mad girl's love song" by sylvia plath and a sixth of the aeneid pensum memorized
  • i'm nick cave and she's kylie minogue in 'where the wild roses grow' and we're going to order a choreography for us to perform on it
  • theme parks
  • 3 hour train rides without realizing it's been 3 hours to places like flevoland
  • vivid robin hobbs retellings i can cry over for like half a minute because of them because i'm sensitive
  • tv shows and films, sci-fi and surrealist, made better when seen next to her
  • egocentric ambition, brutal honesty and gentle nature
  • that childlike "huh?" after zoning out
  • "know that you are literally the only reason i'd ever listen to rihanna"
  • the jive
oct 27 2015 ∞
jul 3 2016 +