A Separate Peace

  • Finish Serenity and Fool's Gold.
  • Separating Peace

Notes: Homosexuality more prevalent, so heavily hinted Finny/Gene. War not AS MUCH of a threat.

A modern remake.

  • How I Killed Him

Notes: One-shot. Based on my sketch of Brinker and a woman, forehead to forehead.

Brinker looks back and recounts with his fiancée to how he ruined Gene's life.

  • "Hidden Beauty"

Notes: AU. Modern. Gene/Finny.

Gene has been having these vivid dreams ever since he moved to Boston. They involve a beach, a hot summer's night, and the most beautiful man he'd ever could conjure up. Now, what could these dreams all mean?

  • "In a Moment"

Notes: Gene/Finny. One-shot.

Ignorance is bliss. So Finny takes advantage of ignorance by kissing Gene. In public.

  • "Impressionism AKA Impress Him"

Notes: Gene/Finny. A story about being unsure.

When Gene visits visits Boston, he is forced to go to a party and is abandoned there, and he finds a friendship in a boy named Finny. Of course, not being from these parts, he doesn't know the boy is a flaming homosexual. Finny doesn't know Gene doesn't know. So he kisses him.

jun 12 2009 ∞
jun 12 2009 +