Hey Arnold!

  • Finish Como Te Llamas?, Arnold: The Trilogy, What Could Have Been, and Dear Arnold.
  • Feminine Feminism

Notes: I don't know whether or not to make this more drama or comedy. At first it was all comedy, but thinking about it from another perspective, it would make for a better drama...

Having always been "one of the guys", Helga has always been teased about being a tomboy. Going into middle school, however, they take it even further by calling her lesbian. Now Helga is taking what steps she can to dispel the rumor.

  • "Tying the String"

Arnold reflects in senior year, getting ready for college. Throughout the years, the old gang split up... Some went to different schools, others moved far, far away, more just strayed to other groups, but it seemed the only constant was that Helga and Arnold were never far from each other.

  • "Prose and Power"

The Pataki family is art-driven, yet ironically hides behind athleticism; Miriam a drink/smoothie mixer and swimmer, Bob a beeper and advertisement designer yet avid sports lover, Olga a performing arts aficionado and group activities leader, Helga a writer and team sports girl... And these interests reflect who they really are.

  • Paperthin Hymn

Notes: Slightly based of some lyrics of "Paperthin Hymn" by Anberlin. A kind of sequel to an Olga-centric drabble by Pointy Objects. Parallels nine months to nine years.

By every birthday, Olga found light in what she once resented.

  • Untitled

Notes: Drabble/one-shot.

Something about the kids' "style" in the future, and cliques.

  • Untitled

Miriam looks at Olga's life and reflects on her own life as rising as a star, falling in love, and falling flat. Extra: Tie-in with the above. Bob had never cared much for anything, because of family pressure, but he never thought he'd care so much for one of the very people who his family pushed him to be.

  • Half of Me

Notes: Idea started off as a one-shot; probably going to be a short story about Phoebe and Reba, the story behind Kyo and Reba. A look at self-identity.

Reba always considered Phoebe her daughter, but she knew that she could never be her mother.

  • "Dynamics"

In a twist of events, Helga becomes best friends with Lila. As this friendship grows throughout the years, they morph the rest of the kids by leading an example. This is how the kids change completely, and how, through it all, Arnold is the only one to remain a static character.

  • In Between

Notes: AU

Miriam felt at a loss immediately after her giving birth to Helga, so she runs away with her newborn to California. Throughout the years, Helga forms a distant relationship with Bob and Olga from California, but never is she allowed to go to Hillwood. Finally legal, she visits her estranged father and sister, but finds herself in the midst of surprising and almost unwanted popularity with the locals. And the problem which forced Miriam away. Then comes Arnold Shortman.

  • Untitled

Notes: AU

Helga and Phoebe have done everything together all their lives, and that includes signing up jokingly on a trip to San Lorenzo as their college study abroad program. But this trip turns out to be less of a joke as they find themselves new friends, new loves, and a conflict to help.

jun 9 2009 ∞
jun 12 2009 +