
  • Finish Half-Asleep and At a Glance.
  • "Push Me"

Notes: AU. Modern. All-Human. Miroku/Sango.

Sango is brokenhearted, and goes out looking for a good lay. Miroku just so happens to be at the right place and the right time. However, in the midst of their fucking, he gets this uncontrollable love for her. And he decides to win her heart. Of course, she only used him, and thinks him a pervert, so it's not going to be easy. But that's the art of a challenge.

  • Untitled

Notes: AU. Modern. All-Human. Rin/Sess. Follows from when Rin's 5-years-old and Sesshomaru's 12-years-old to when Rin's 23-years-old and Sess's 30-years-old.

Sesshomaru has always been Rin's babysitter, and has always looked at her like a little sister. But as Rin grows up alongside him and his family and friends, they both begin to have feelings unnatural for any siblings to have.

  • Retelling

Notes: One-shot. Probably one-sided Rin/Sess. Solemn, and kind've sad.

A grown-up Rin tells the kids in the village stories of the adventures she'd have with Sesshomaru, even though they think her silly.

  • Untitled

Notes: AU. Modern. All-Human. Not really Sess/Kag. Sess is overprotective of Rin; no incest.

Something to toy with the idea of Sesshomaru and Kagome have a child, and that's Rin. He would watch her grow and live out a life.

Snippet: "She looks funny," the six-year-old noted. "She's a baby, Kohaku," Sesshomaru snarled. "And don't talk about my child like that."

  • Little Green Monster

Notes: Drabble/one-shot. One-sided Jaken/Sess, Rin/Sess.

Jaken has always been jealous of anyone who's gotten in the way of him and Sesshomaru.

  • "Peace"

At a wishing tree, Rin wished to give up everything just so she could be like Sesshomaru. She is granted that wish, with only to have her have to die and reincarnate. He doesn't know this, so he gives her up, until one day he comes across the most beautiful youkai in the land: Rin.

jun 12 2009 ∞
jun 12 2009 +