South Park

  • Finish I Need a Date, Take Two, and extended story of the drabble about Bebe Wishful Thinking.
  • Unfriendly Competition

Notes: AU. Hinted everyone/everyone. Haha.

Fresh from college and trying to make ends meet, Stan Marsh enters on a whim a competition to win a fifty million dollars. But the competition entails a series of tests, obstacles, and way too much Diet Coke. What does it all mean? Well, it means he's got to beat this obese jackass, a pathetic Jewish kid, an overly competitive girl, a deadbeat hick, and a variety of other characters. Let the games begin.

  • "Charity Work"

Notes: AU.

Walking down the street, Bebe Stevens finds a drunkard by the name of Kenny McCormick, and takes him home. With reasons only known to her, much to the dismay of roommate Wendy Testaburger, Bebe cleans and dresses him up, going out for a "new look" along with a "new attitude". What does she have up her sleeve?

  • The Straight One Out

Notes: I'm well aware that this definitely is not how things work, but it's a fanfic. Mostly humor, but some drama. Lemons, and lots of stuff worthy to be M-rated. Bebe/Kenny, if only one-sided.

Kenny had always thought he was gay -- it was just one of those things he grew up with, having been raised in a highly gay community. But as the end of high school looms near, he's starting to think that maybe he has been straight all along, and now he's the odd man out.

  • "Separate"

Notes: A different chapter for every pair, detailing how it happened and to what extent.

Stan takes note on how much he and his friends have changed, and who paired off as best friends in the end. Butters ended up as Cartman's lackey... as always. Bebe and Kenny were the biggest perverts on campus, so they were together always... Wendy was Kyle's partner in everything, both being overachievers always... And he? He had no one.

  • Chapstick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry

Notes: Slash, Stan/Kyle. Title stolen from a Relient K song.

Stan starts to suspect Kyle is having a secret affair, and goes on a quest to find out who it is. It's only 'cause he's curious, right? Not out of jealousy? That's what he keeps telling himself.

Snippet: "They say that those who haven't kissed in the longest time have the worst case of chapped lips." As Kyle said this, Stan couldn't help but glance at his lips, just to check. They were moist.

jun 12 2009 ∞
jun 12 2009 +