
  • Finish Straight from the Textbooks, Guarding the Angel, From Suit to Nothing, Library Buddy, E.T. Vs. Mike, and Fashionista.

Non-All Human stories

  • Recollection

Notes: Post-Breaking Dawn. Mostly canon. Heavy Garrett/Kate. Hinted Zafrina/Senna.

In the time after the events of Breaking Dawn, the minor vampires recollect the historic event for their kind with different opinions.

  • A Boy

Notes: Pre-Twilight. Very Rosecentric... she'd definitely like that. Gen.

On one of Emmett and Rosalie's honeymoons, they come across an orphan, which Rose secretly takes in, and she contemplates.

  • "Everyone Poops!"

Notes: One-shot. Gen. Rosalie spends the day with Renesmee to give her a few "human" lessons.

Snippet: "Shouldn't Mom be doing this?" Nessie asked innocently. Rosalie's nose flared. Of course, everyone would think Bella would be most qualified for this. But Rose tried to keep her annoyance low, even if her brief expression of irritation didn't go unnoticed by Renesmee. Having always been perceptive, the thought was automatically saved into Renesmee's memory, which hopefully wouldn't be shared with anyone else any time soon.

  • Untitled

Notes: Pre-Twilight. One-shot.

Phil Dwyer always thought he'd be in control of his life. But that was before he met Renee Swan. Pre-Twilight.

  • "Fantasy"

Notes: AU. No half-vamps. Possibly two-shot.

A long time ago, Edward had become an incubus, out of pity for lonely women, using his mind-reading powers as an advantage as to what they like. Imagine his surprise when he encounters one particularly lonely woman who he cannot figure out what she wants because he can't even read her mind.

  • Little Lolita

Notes: Pre-Breaking Dawn, so that Bella's human, because this story wouldn't really fit if she was vamp. One-shot.

After Edward and Bella read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, he compares the situation to his own, which makes him very distraught.

  • Regret

Notes: Drabblish one-shot. Post-Breaking Dawn. Deals with concepts of family, mother-daughter relationships, and humanity.

Centuries later, Bella thinks about all she missed as a human... and feels regret.

  • "Things Unimaginable"

Notes: AU. Canon. This story has grown to be a baby of mine; I've worked on this so much. All aspects of the Twilight world, like the Volturi and the wolves, will be present.

She was found in the woods near Forks, holding onto a tiny girl with her dear life. She only pleaded, "I need the Cullens..." This is the story of Bella's journey to find the Cullens, a rare group of vampires whom she had learned of. She believes they are the only ones can help her and her new half-sister, Carlie Renee, who just so happens to be a half-vampire.

Extra: Will detail their journey, and flashback every chapter to a point in Renee's pregnancy. At first Bella wants to give Carlie over to the Cullens, then essentially take her own life, because she believes no human can know who Carlie is. However, when she meets the Cullens and lives with them shortly to get Carlie situated, Carlie grows up fast and she doesn't want her to leave. She's grown attached to the baby, and then there's the subject of Edward... This story then follows Bella's decision as to whether or not she should become a vampire, the wolves sudden integration with the Cullens, and the Volturi's interest in the young baby.

  • Depth

Notes: AU, if Carlisle never bit Edward. Sad/deathfic. No Edward/Bella, since he'd be 90, but natural affection. With brief mention of the other Cullen kids, and cameo by Carlisle. One-shot.

Renee's new job as a caretaker brings a young Bella to see an elderly man regularly. Through the days, she befriends this old man as he shares his stories of his life as Edward Masen. Based off: “It is not length of life, but depth of life.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

  • Untitled

Notes: Post-Breaking Dawn. Quil/Claire. Canon couples. Cameos by... everyone. Haha.

Claire always had a less than thrilling life, she believed. Sure, there was her overprotective mother, her second (and crazy) family in La Push, and... Quil Ateara, but that's how it's always been. When she meets Jacob Black, Quil's old friend, secrets suddenly reveal themselves, and her whole life has changed.

  • Untitled

Notes: AU - Carlisle never changed Edward, therefore never running into Esme, Rose, or Emmett; Alice and Jasper don't go to Carlisle. Bella/Carlisle. One-shot. A sort of gift for my friend.

Bella Swan had never been lucky. Carlisle had always had luck. But sometimes, your luck turns around.

Snippet: Her heart hammered in her chest, alerting Carlisle her every fearful feeling. It had been a while since anyone felt such a strong fear around him... but then he caught whiff of an odd smell in the room: arousal. Okay... so she wasn't scared. Suddenly, she looked different to him. Her long eyelashes hid her alluring gaze. Her short fingers adorably clung to the fabric of her jeans. Her flushed face matched the curtain of her brown hair... He always did have a penchant for brunettes.

  • Kidnapped

Notes: AU. Inspired by page 78 of Midnight Sun. Kinda crack-ish.

In the moment of an impulsive thought, Edward runs with Bella to take her away from the impending split of his family - against her will. As the Cullens split further from each other, the closer Edward and Bella get to "drop her off" at her mother's.

All Human stories

  • 21

Notes: Based off my "perfect 21st birthday" entry on personal LJ. Canon.

Come Bella's 21st birthday, she decides to have a small kick back all night with Alice, Emmett, Angela, and Ben. But Alice decides to bring her friend Rosalie, and Emmett brings his brothers, and it becomes bigger than Bella imagined.

  • "Signed, Cyrano"

Notes: HEAVILY based on Cyrano de Bergerac (without Cyrano's large nose, haha). B/E.

The new girl Bella comes to Forks HS, attracting everyone's attention, especially Edward's and Jacob's. Edward notices her kinship with the not-so-creative Jacob, and on an impulsive act, despite his own feelings, he offers his help to win her heart for Jacob. If only she realized the Jacob she's falling for is really Edward...

  • Just Watch the Fireworks

Notes: B/E, but more Renesmee/Jacob.

Bella watches her daughter grow up with one friend's son Jacob, and sees a romance blossom as she compares it with her own romance with her husband Edward.

  • "Sumimasen, Aishiteru"

Notes: Basically a recreation of my Japan trip, but more detailed, more lovey, more drama... which would be insane, because there was lots.

Bella goes on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Japan, and the people she meets in her group change her life.

  • What a Dog

Notes: One-shot.

Bella takes care of a dog named Jacob, and her good friend Edward is put off by the dog's unnatural sexual behaviors.

  • Point Blank

Notes: Obviously inspired/taken slightly from Crisis. Canon.

Different perspectives of some people at a bank; their stories all intertwine, and they eventually meet when the bank is robbed and the people are taken as hostages.

  • "What Ever Happened"

Notes: One of the ending chapters posted here.

Bella and Edward lost their virginity to each other as teens after meeting each other at a party, and even though they have this intense chemistry, they are forced away from one another. Throughout their future, they cannot find anyone who could compare to their first time - Bella can't even orgasm to any other man - yet they meet with various other people who change their lives and help them eventually reunite in the future.

  • "Complexity"

Notes: One of my more complex stories that has intimidated me. As much as I love and have many ideas for this, I don't think I'll ever get to it.

In an AU world, people are forced to love each other, have certain careers, certain lifestyles, etc. The government is very advanced, taking certain traits of people and determining how to breed, finding the most compatible. Edward is purposely made as a "complex man", who is above the average person in all ways and considered "Elite". Bella is one of the rare defunct effects of the government's pairing up, having been born into an aborted marriage. These two just so happen to be paired up. And they both despise the idea of this government's expectations of them. But in the midst of their backlash against their matrimony, they learn that they are more alike than they thought...

  • Car Wash

Notes: Inspired by washing my grandma's car. One-shot.

One dirty car. Music. Soap suds and short shorts. Edward certainly wasn't expecting this.

  • House Sitter

As a favor for her friend Angela who goes off to Europe, Bella house sits and takes care of her dog Seth. Imagine her surprise when during her stay she encounters the oh so sexy Edward Cullen next door. If only she hadn't made such an awkward first impression while sunbathing nude... but then again, that would make the other instances of bumping into each other practically naked much more awkward. Time for sexy time!

Snippet: "He smells like a dog." "What do you expect? He's a vet." "Yeah, but it's almost as bad as Seth there."

  • "Sleeping With Eyes Wide Open"

Notes: Short story. Very sad, if I could pull it off well.

On a chance accident, Bella ends up having to share a hospital room with a comatose man. Initially drawn by his good looks, she learns of his story, and is taken by him. If only this Edward Cullen would realize her existence.

  • Written on the Margins

Notes: Short story. Based on a true story of my buying The Scarlet Letter.

When Bella finds a book with notes scrawled all along the margins throughout, she becomes captivated by the insights of the writing. And this captivation turns to obsession as she searches for this "E.C."

  • Green Light

Notes: Obviously inspired/titled by "Green Light" by John Legend & Andre 3000.

The girls try out different flirting styles, which end up being very effective.

v.1 - They try out each other's flirting style, and catch the eye of what would be each other's interests. Short story. v.2 - They try many styles, and lastly go for whatever works with their personality, which ends up being the winner. One-shot.

  • Untitled

Notes: FANTASY! I don't know exactly what I wanted to do with this; it only lives through some doodles of Bella in a cape and a masked Edward arguing with a naked Jacob.

In an AU version of America during the mid 1700's, Isabella Swan is on a journey from England, with a reason only known to her. She just so happens to stumble upon a settlement where she feels at home, and is enticed by rich and intriguing Edward Cullen, which proves to be difficult if she's on the run from her secrets.

  • "Channel Surfing"

Bella becomes intrigued by five people on TV she finds while channel surfing... especially that one piano player on some daytime PBS show.

Extra: Edward: piano player, Rosalie: a girl being sung to on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Emmett: sports newscaster, Jasper: History Channel contributor, Alice: Project Runway contestant

  • "No Mystery"

Bella's the new girl in town, and this seems to make her the center of attention... but not in any good way. Everyone seems to be keeping a secret, and she seems to be in the center of it all.

  • "Holy Fangirl, Batman!"

Notes: Basically a rip off of my trip to the Chuck set. When mentioning celebrities, I'm not going to specify names, but I will make hints as to who I would be talking about throughout.

After reuniting with her best friend Alice from high school, who's now a head make-up artist with a noteworthy resume, Bella is invited along to the set of her favorite show. And the main actor of this favorite show? He's super hot and super famous Edward Cullen, and she gets to spend the whole day with him.

  • "Stealth"

Notes: Inspired by Chuck episode "Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover". Long chapters, short story, probably, seeing as how I would plan to put one city for every chapter. This is a total spy romance, and as much as I love realism, you should know how it would end up seeing as how I love happy endings.

If one thing about their relationship was for certain, it was that they never knew if the other was going to be alive before they reunited. This is the story of two spies who never knew what the other was and yet keep meeting each other in all parts of the globe.

  • "My Gay Best Friend"

Notes: Inspired by a Saturday Night Live skit. All of Edward's life he's been caught in compromising situations, and with his lack of interest in the opposite sex, his family was convinced he was gay. Even though he denied this repeatedly, his family goes so far as to convince others of his "sexuality". What happens when Bella Swan, the new student and new best friend of Alice, reveals that she always wanted a gay best friend? Misconceptions and hilarity ensue, of course!

  • "Blink"

After a brief coma, Alice wakes up from a dream--a very vivid one of a wonderful life. Now she's on a mission to find the five people from the dream, and help them, starting with Jasper Whitlock.

Extra: Really, this is a story about all the characters, not just Alice, since she'll be helping out everyone else: she starts out helping Jasper to overcome his problems; helping Rose discover that her impending child will be a gift; helping Emmett to think seriously; getting the lonely Edward and Bella to find each other.

  • "Starting With a Premonition"

Notes: Kind of serious, mysterious, and romantic. All vamps with powers will make appearances, and the ones without will have powers. Slightly OOC.

When Bella was in her preteen years, a little psychic girl came up to her, insisting that big things will come to her. Bella, effectively freaked out, pushed it out of her mind so that by the time she reached adulthood, it was only a distant memory. But when people with similar powers seem to pop up around her, she suddenly takes the little girl's warning to heart. Why is it that these people pop up around her?

  • For Every Petal

A slightly boring idea of Bella unwillingly and accidentally catching the bouquet at her friend Alice's wedding, and does everything in her power to not make it true... Only, now Edward Cullen has his eyes set on her, and he's not going down without a fight.

  • "Wrong Impressions"

Notes: Edward POV.

Bella and boys are almost synonymous with each other. She's the guys' girl; in fact, she has nearly no girl friends, which earns her the reputation for being some sort of slut. Adopted siblings Alice, Rosalie, and Edward Cullen come to change all that.

  • "Love is SO 80s"

Bella always felt that her life has been leading up to nothing... Edward always wanted to give her the thrill she was seeking... so he tries to base her last summer in Washington off of the movie Say Anything... and win her heart.

  • "Delivery!"

Notes: One-shot. Lemon.

In pity of Bella's lack of love life, Alice and Rosalie send Bella a lavish Valentine to cheer her up. And the one to deliver the Valentine? A Mr. Edward Cullen.

  • Untitled

A la Freaky Friday, Edward wakes up in his biology partner's body: Bella Swan. And her? She's only trying to recover from the fact that she's in her ultimate crush's body.

  • Jocks, Jerks, and Jerking Off

Forks High School is known for one thing: their sports program. With super star athletes in nearly all fields, these jocks rule the school, and no one can seem to break in and beat them. Cue Bella Swan, new girl and generally overlooked athletically. However, when everyone finds out about her outstanding swim status as practically a prodigy, she's pressured to join the only sport that hasn't conquered. Too bad she couldn't care less about falling into this unfair hierarchy.

Extra: Alice: gymnast; Rosalie: cheerleader; Emmett: football/baseball; Jasper: basketball/baseball; Edward: cross country/track/baseball

  • "Hard to Explain"

Notes: Parts of the story posted here. Inspired by The Au Pairs series; set in LA. OOC

To be a "civilian" in this city is to be a peasant. Watch out for the nobles, they'll kill you with a flip of their beautiful hair. If only Bella had taken this to heart.

  • "Today My Heart Swings"

Notes: Parts of the story posted here. Very boring, and pretty bad summary.

In the heat of the summer night, they found each other at a club away from home. Bella had been blown away by his touch. Edward was blown away by her presence. And then they were separated, thinking it was only a fling. And presuming their efforts to be a wild goose chase, they rely on destiny to bring them back. But how?

  • "Kindred"

Notes: Inspired by Peter Petrelli's story in season 2 of the show Heroes.

Enter Bella Swan. Age: 17. Origin: unknown. With only few personal effects in a box, she has no idea where she comes from, or what she's doing there. But where she ends up is somewhere a lot more than she expected.

  • "A Comic Book Fairy Tale"

Notes: Idea derived from my other WIP [temporarily called "Starting with a Premonition"], when I started to doodle superhero costumes for them all.

In a world where superheroes are a common occurrence, Bella moves out of small town Forks and lands herself in the big city, where she's thrown into the world of people with powers. She just never knew she had a power herself.

  • Untitled

Notes: In an AU world where Forks High has more than 300 students... more like 2000. Short story.

They always walked by each other in that crowded hallway on their way to fourth period. Twice, they smiled at each other; once, they grazed each other's arms; every time, they locked eyes. Then, one day, she drops her things, and he suddenly has her email. No one knows of their friendship online, but that's okay, because to them, they're the only two people on earth.

  • Red Eye

Notes: AU of actual Red Eye storyline - different ending; more based on the fanfiction of Red Eye. Remake of Red Eye, with Twilight characters.

  • Untitled

Bella, the director of a support group for women who can't conceive, miraculously gets pregnant. Follow the journey for her, Edward, and the rest of the girls and their thoughts through the pregnancy.

Extra: The infertile women: Esme, Alice, Rosalie, Charlotte, and Leah.

  • Untitled

Notes: Nessie/Jacob. Very lemony.

Nessie takes a vacation in Washington away from her overbearing parents... only to find something that'll get them more riled up.

Snippet: As soon as she sighed from contentment, she heard a rustle. Something was down there.

  • "Over and Upward"

In place of his sister, Edward gets an autograph of famous author, Bella Swan. After a momentous four minute conversation, he walks off sure he'll never see her again. But little does he know, she's searching for him through her very own fanbase.

jun 9 2009 ∞
mar 1 2011 +