and not just like 12 year old saying I'm ocd about everything, these things honestly give me stress/ raised blood pressure

  • the microwave beeping
  • when people leave time on the microwave, especially at my house since the microwave then flashes "PRESS START" and seeing it out of the corner of my eye killlls me. its even worse if its left on a random number, rather than one thats a multiple of five. anywhere I see this, i can guarantee I'll clear it, no matter what
  • not having the microwave on a multiple of five, even if it means having my food 4 seconds over cooked
  • okay, this is TMI but I always HAVE to wipe twice when I go to the bathroom. hahaha ok. but really. no matter what.
  • my refrigerator swings shut on its own, and that kills me, especially when i'm just using something from it really quickly and then put it back, like putting milk in my tea. so I keep it open with my foot while I pour the milk...
  • the way other people see me/ what other people associate me with. I will defend or lie about anything if I think it could possibly cast a bad shadow on me, even though most of the times its silly things. I'm like this even with my mom. I wish I had some good examples but eh
  • I can't drive, agh, its getting better but ever since that fender bender last spring I have been so terrified on the road, not even just when I'm driving, but even as a passenger. I don't trust my brakes or any of the cars around me, at all
  • I can't eat in my room when its messy. sometimes I'll clean my room just so i can eat my dinner in there
feb 10 2011 ∞
feb 10 2011 +