Hi babe, HAPPY INDHY DAYYYY!! Kabalo ko wala ka ga expect na mag message ko or your dumb bozo ass prolly thought I forgot.

Wala lang… I just wanted to be one of your first greeters and I want you to know na I love you so so much even when you don’t feel like I don’t love you, trust me I do and I always will. We have our ups and downs, especially downs. We may disagree a lot and we may have different perspectives on certain issues but at the end of the day it’s still you and me. Bisag pangkapila bitaw mag shagitay, mag yawyaway, always know na I treasure you so much as a friend. Thank you so much for always being my shoulder to lean on, my lungs whenever it gets too hard to breathe around other people and my heart for whenever my burdens get too heavy to bear alone. You’re always there for me, looking out for me. Sometimes you know how to take care of me better than I do myself. Inana ka ka buotan (bisag maldita ka sa uban, importante buotan ka nako hehe). As enrollment season approaches, I am reminded of how we won’t return back from the food court to the same classroom or I won’t get other chances to see your creativity flourish in projects you genuinely adore doing. Pero bisan pa dili nata ma classmate know na I will always pray for your success, I will be with you every step of the way and I’ll still be here for you bisag ighost tika usahay. I have never met an individual as creative as you babe, no other person can conjure an idea within seconds or look up at the clouds and see potential to be more without just focusing on what they simply are. Ma mesmerize ko sa imong ideas bisag unsa sila nonsensical, you leave me appalled with how the cogs in your head turn and make the world a better place by adding your own splash of color. My snow white, my babe, my fave meow meow, my Indhy <33 I love you so much babe, thank you for being my always in all ways no matter the time, no matter the place. I know you hate your birth month but I hope this year treats you well babe because you deserve all the good will and happiness the universe has to offer.

jun 11 2024 ∞
jun 11 2024 +