My boys:

++Magnus Burnsides:

Taako - @tentaclepissed

Kravitz - @dekzuku

Lup - @deadbrassz

++Shouto Todoroki: (Villain TL)

Deku - @dekzuku

+++Shouto Todoroki: (Normal TL)

Deku - @dekzuku

Uraraka - @tentaclepissed

++Toumura Shigaraki:

Toga - @prestigebug

Dabi - @dekzuku

++Dirk Strider:

Jake English: @dekzuku

Dave Strider: @prestigebug

++Akira Fudo:

Ryo: @dekzuku

++Dave Strider:

Karkat Vantas: @dekzuku

John Egbert: @tentaclepissed

mar 20 2019 ∞
mar 20 2019 +

+ ... Mains

+Prince Gumball - Adventure Time

+Aubrey Little - TAZ Amnesty

+Michael Mel - Be More Chill

Bakugou - BNHA

Denki - BNHA

Hawks - BNHA

Kirishima - BNHA

Present Mic - BNHA

Matt - Eddsworld

Patryk - Eddsworld

Freddy Fazbear - FNAF

The Puppet - FNAF

Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter

Sirius Black - Harry Potter

James Potter - Harry Potter

+Sollux Captor - Homestuck

Psiioniic (The Helmsman) - Homestuck

+Steve Rogers - Marvel

Peter Parker - Marvel

Rocket - Marvel

+Wade Wilson - Marvel

dec 12 2018 ∞
jun 3 2019 +

Do not follow if You're uncomfortable with any of the doubles we have, or just dm me first. I will sometimes not post about certain kins, since it will make people uncomfy. Let me know who you're uncomfy with and I can let you know if I shift them often or not. You're transphobic/homophobic/you know the drill stuff.

DM me if you need double warnings/soft block/anything like that. I'll do the same to you if need be. I am serious: I will fucking accommodate for your double troubles and needs with no issues or problems, I don't mean to invalidate anyone. Let me know and I'll fucking fix shit.

I am also? Not a minor? An adult? If that makes you uncomfy then DNF. Also, don't be offended if I just. Don't talk much to...

may 3 2019 ∞
may 3 2019 +

++Aubrey Little:

Dani - @tentaclepissed

++ Matt:

Edd - @tentaclepissed

Tom - @dekzuku

Tord - @prestigebug

++Draco Malfoy:

Harry - @deadbrassz

Pansy - @tentaclepissed

++Sirius Black:

Remus - @tentaclepissed

James - @dekzuku

Lily - @prestigebug

Harry - @magnoliamind

++Larry Johnson:

Sal - @dekzuku

Ash - @tentaclepissed

Todd - @thatonekinnie

Megan - @prestigebug

++Craig Tucker:

Butters - @dekzuku

Tweek - @tentaclepissed

dec 12 2018 ∞
mar 20 2019 +

still chill with doubles, these are just the guys I'm normally shifting/fronting!

Shouto Todoroki - BNHA

Dirk Strider - Homestuck

Toumura Shigaraki - BNHA

Dave Strider - Homestuck

Jack Spicer - Xiaolin Showdown

Akira Fudo - Devilman Crybaby

Magnus Burnsides - TAZ Balance

Mituna Captor - Homestuck

Villain!Deku - BNHA

Jay Merrick - Marble Hornets

mar 20 2019 ∞
may 3 2019 +