Do not follow if You're uncomfortable with any of the doubles we have, or just dm me first. I will sometimes not post about certain kins, since it will make people uncomfy. Let me know who you're uncomfy with and I can let you know if I shift them often or not. You're transphobic/homophobic/you know the drill stuff.

DM me if you need double warnings/soft block/anything like that. I'll do the same to you if need be. I am serious: I will fucking accommodate for your double troubles and needs with no issues or problems, I don't mean to invalidate anyone. Let me know and I'll fucking fix shit.

I am also? Not a minor? An adult? If that makes you uncomfy then DNF. Also, don't be offended if I just. Don't talk much to you based on the fact most of y'all are minors.

Whip Yee Haw is the password ig.

may 3 2019 ∞
may 3 2019 +