- Strans bani pentru Rock the City/ARTMania;
- Find a summer job;
- Become a better person;
- Less teenage drama!
- Citit:
- 7 HP-uri (7/7);
- "Dans, dans, dans";
- "In cautarea oii fantastice";
- "O forma de viata";
- "Eu, robotul"-Asimov;
- "A Christmas Carol";
- "Portretul lui Dorian Gray";
- Fara subtitrari in romana la filme/seriale!
- Mai multi timp alaturi de familie;
- Iesit mai mult din "comfort zone" la capitolul oameni noi;
- Mentinut silueta si incercat sa fac cat mai mult sport;
- Mentinut bursa la facultate;
- Facut cursuri de PHP/Java;
- Aprofundat franceza si eventual dat DELF-ul;
- Incorporate more habits into my daily life:
- brush teeth each morning and/or evening;
- skincare routine before going to sleep;
- taking the stairs at least once a day;
- stop eating junk food more than once a month;
- Mai multa activitate pe listography;
- Take up a hobby;
- Have more nights out;
- Donate stuff I don't need anymore;
- Learn more history!
- Buy a new Sudoku book and finish it;
- Go camping;
- Karaoke!
- Pictures in a photobooth;
- Start a Summer Holiday jar;
- Sarbatorit 1 Mai;
- Sarbatorit Halloween;
dec 19 2012 ∞
dec 30 2013 +