- anti-gravity, adventures, alliteration
- barnes and nobles, bananas, biology, beaches, boats, beauty and the beast soundtrack, baskin robbins, bowling, good books, blood and gore movies, barefeet, birthday cards, blank paper, bld
- cheese and crackers, cyanide and happiness, christmas, coldstone, canoeing, carnivals, calamari, creative writing, cajun food, chocolate covered raisins, cambodia, cloud watching, christmas, college-ruled paper
- dove dark chocolate,
- frozen yogurt, fingerpainting, fried chicken, frank sinatra's voice, ferris wheels, firecrackers, free samples of ice cream, fresh paper, febreze, feet, five guys burgers
- green bananas, good music
- hey arnold!, hot wings, harry potter, hairy hobbit feet, hot fudge sundaes, huzuki, hoodies, helena bonham carter
- late nights, christmas lights, lord of the rings, lilies, lee pace, little surprises, good lyrics, long conversations
- jamba juice, jimmy, joseph gordon-levitt, james mcavoy,
- moulin rouge soundtrack
- nail polish, notebooks,
- orchids, organizing, the ozone layer,
- post-shower freshness, party all night, planning
- reading, regina spektor, red bean ice cream bars, rollerblading, raisins, russian
- sudokus, sunflowers, spicy chicken go wrap from wendy's, strawberry smoothies, san francisco, smell of baby lotion, sneezing, slightly green bananas, sunrises and sunsets, stream of consciousness narrative, spontaneity
- tide to-go pens, taco bell, tetris, tree climbing, tennis, toasted sandwiches, tropical fish
- vivid colors, violent weather
- watching and rewatching good movies, warm nights,
- yogurt and granola, you
jan 28 2010 ∞
apr 7 2010 +