- ✔ Alabama - lived summer 2009; summer 2000
- Alaska
- Arizona
- ✔ Arkansas - family trip as kid (Hot Arkin Pings!)
- California
- ✔ Colorado - spent the night 9/13
- ✔ Connecticut - spent the night 9/08; drove through and visited Autumn 2011/14/15
- ✔ Delaware - spent the weekend 10/10, 10/12
- ✔ Florida - lived summer 2000; family vacations
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- ✔ Idaho - drove through 9/13
- ✔ Illinois - senior trip 2004; mission trip 2013
- ✔ Indiana - slept in 2002
- ✔ Iowa - drove through
- ✔ Kansas - spent the weekend in Lawrence 9/07
- ✔ Kentucky - drove through 10/13
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- ✔ Massachusetts - drove through Autumn 2011/14/15
- ✔ Michigan - family trip as kid
- ✔ Minnesota - spent the night 8/13
- Mississippi
- ✔ Missouri - home state
- ✔ Montana - spent the night in Butte 8/13
- ✔ Nebraska - lived 2004-2005; visited ?/04, 3/06, 6/12
- Nevada
- ✔ New Hampshire - spent the weekend 9/11
- ✔ New Jersey - drove through, attended events (weddings and apple picking)
- New Mexico
- ✔ New York - second home state :)
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- ✔ Ohio - drove through
- Oklahoma
- ✔ Oregon - slept in 9/13
- ✔ Pennsylvania - spent the weekend 10/12, 2/13
- ✔ Rhode Island - spent the weekend 9/08
- South Carolina
- ✔ South Dakota - spent the night 8/13
- ✔ Tennessee - spent one night in Memphis, two in Nashville, 10/13; visits to extended family starting 10/15
- ✔ Texas - spent the weekend in Dallas spring 2005; over a week in Austin, San Antonio, Rockport, and Houston 3/15
- ✔ Utah - drove through
- ✔ Vermont - drove through Autumn 2011/14/15
- Virginia
- ✔ Washington - spent the night 8/13
- West Virginia
- ✔ Wisconsin - family trips throughout many years
- ✔ Wyoming - spent the night 8/13
- 33 visited
- 25 slept in
- 5 lived in
- 17 unseen
sep 16 2013 ∞
may 20 2016 +