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movies (movies to purchase!)
jul 3 2014
relationships (matthew finch)
jul 3 2014
movies (Movies I Watched in 2012)
jul 3 2014
television (animes to watch & finish)
jul 3 2014
books (manga to read)
jul 3 2014
fashion (adorable-ass clothing stores♥♥♥)
jun 25 2014
books (bibliopod daily check-list & resources)
jun 25 2014
movies (Movies That I want to watch)
dec 23 2011
books (books to get from the library!)
oct 8 2011
movies (Movies I Watched in 2011)
jul 30 2011
about me (favorite anecdotes)
jun 8 2011
websites (Websites I Should Keep Up With)
jun 8 2011
wishlist (weird things that i want)
may 29 2011
friends (Food to Make With Friends)
may 25 2011