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"Don't ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself - What makes you come alive -
and then go & do that. Because what the
world needs are people who have come alive!"
- Harold Whitman

listography NEW NEWS
  • I want to move to New York SO MUCH!!! I think I'd be a good little city girl... I think it would be exactly what I need to get out of my rut.
  • Italy.. Need I say more? Been this way since I was 6.
  • Santa Cruz, California. I love this little town, cute shops, off the beaten path city.
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Montreal, Canada
  • Anywhere in Iceland (Thank You Sigur Ros!)
  • I hear Croatia is really nice.

SO many places I haven't been.. so how can I only stop with 3 places? I CAN'T!

oct 5 2007 ∞
mar 25 2009 +

NOT that I don't already have books I haven't yet read

  • Follow your North Star by Martha Beck
  • Heat by Bill Buford
feb 4 2007 ∞
mar 25 2009 +
  • Morning Coffee.. made just right
  • My kitty girl Pez.. she is my heart.
  • Looking down at my freshly manicured feet.
  • Driving away after getting my car washed.
  • Finding a song that I've been searching for and downloading it so I can listen to it all the time.
  • Walking by Honeysuckle and smelling sweet smell.
  • Knowing The Secret
  • Opening the mailbox and seeing a letter addressed to me!
  • Showing someone my cards and having them really like them!
jan 20 2007 ∞
apr 23 2009 +
  • Amelie (Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)
  • The Cell
  • The Last Unicorn
  • Igby Goes Down
  • The Constant Gardner
  • The Upside of Anger
  • The Shape of Things
  • Ferngully
  • What the Bleep do we know??
  • I heart Huckabees
jan 18 2007 ∞
jan 18 2007 +
  • **ALL TIME IRK** When you're sitting next to someone.. and their eating.. and you can hear them chewing INSIDE their mouths.. oh my gosh! Some weird short circuit goes off in my brain and it makes me want to punch them to make them stop! My mom is the loudest offender to date..It's not even that I don't know that I do it too! But hearing other people doing it.. IRKS ME!
  • People who talk like they know EVERYTHING.
  • People who get SO upset because people drive badly, but then they go ahead and do the same thing!
  • Religious people who SAY they love God but Exclude everyone else other than themselves out.
  • Irks me that there's a shimmering pool of recollection of what it was like when I was thin.. and that is STILL not enough t...
oct 5 2007 ∞
feb 21 2009 +

These are my favorite songs.. As I remember them.. now if you know me.. you'll know I "LOVE" a lot of songs.. NOT just for lyrics.. but for beat and composition.. and sometimes I get overwhelmed and cry a little when instruments that God made sound SO miraculous together.. SO.. this is ongoing.

  • "Let's Chill" by Guy (Jim Thomas played this song for me in H.S. and I felt so special)
  • "Why be Afraid" by Tony Rebel (Took till THIS year to find the name/artist of this song.. THANK YOU JAH!)
  • "To Where you Are" by Josh Groban (Makes me think of my Grandpa- I miss him a lot)
  • "Good Company" From Oliver and Company Soundtrack
  • "Part of your World" from The Little Mermaid Soundtrack
feb 4 2007 ∞
feb 4 2007 +

Ok.. Don't Laugh at some of these..I do.. like the way they smell

  • J'adore
  • Paloma Picasso 'Tenatious"
  • Forever Krystle
  • Jovan Musk
  • Jaclyn Smith 'California'
jan 21 2007 ∞
jan 21 2007 +
  • Make sure Everyone is paid BEFORE we get married!
  • Run a 5K by May/June
  • Also get SERIOUS about my cards.. making more, getting them in more shops, etc..
  • Get back into Group Meditation
  • Start the "Marriedtoachef" website with Kyra by my side!
  • Learn how to use my Digital SLR like a PRO!!!
  • Blog every work day like I used to.
jan 2 2007 ∞
apr 23 2009 +
  • Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
oct 5 2007 ∞
oct 5 2007 +

You can click on each of these links and it will bring you to the networks link of each show.

That's all I have for now.. I have Tivo and I am SO lucky I do.. I never have to miss a show!!!

jan 23 2007 ∞
apr 23 2009 +
  • I love that I have the ability to make people feel great.. I can tell.. now that I feel more positive and inspired.. the people around me feel better as well.
  • I love that I am always striving to be a self-aware person. I know I am working on "my stuff" and it makes me happy that I don't push even the tough parts away.
  • I love that even though I am a tall woman (and not a little woman either) I don't make people feel intimidated by me.. that means a lot to me. I always want to be the kind of person that people can come to.
  • I love that the little things in life.. touch me.. make me cry.. and laugh.. Why is it that some think it's silly to be upset to see a once thriving and living tree cut and suffocating on the side of the road? I want to FEEL this life.. live and learn from it. I don't ever want to be nu...
jan 18 2007 ∞
apr 23 2009 +