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"Don't ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself - What makes you come alive -
and then go & do that. Because what the
world needs are people who have come alive!"
- Harold Whitman

listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • I love that I have the ability to make people feel great.. I can tell.. now that I feel more positive and inspired.. the people around me feel better as well.
  • I love that I am always striving to be a self-aware person. I know I am working on "my stuff" and it makes me happy that I don't push even the tough parts away.
  • I love that even though I am a tall woman (and not a little woman either) I don't make people feel intimidated by me.. that means a lot to me. I always want to be the kind of person that people can come to.
  • I love that the little things in life.. touch me.. make me cry.. and laugh.. Why is it that some think it's silly to be upset to see a once thriving and living tree cut and suffocating on the side of the road? I want to FEEL this life.. live and learn from it. I don't ever want to be numb to my world.
  • I love, that I really am artistic and creative. If you can believe this.. did NOT see myself as a creative/artistic type for a LONG time.. I always saw myself as literal or linear.. and it makes me SO happy to look at what i have created and have an "A HA!" moment.
jan 18 2007 ∞
apr 23 2009 +