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Remember that all suffering is made up by your & others' heads ("pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"). Remember that state of serenity on Oct 22-23, 2019 as a truly healthy state. And gently steer yourself into doing 3/3/3+1 with curiosity, self-compassion, mindfulness, the learning-goals approach instead of the performance-goals approach where possible (Er. S.' stuff helps!)

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"Don't raise your voice, improve your argument. How can you change someone's mind? Unfortunately, facts aren't always enough. You need to understand and engage your audience's:

  • Prior beliefs
  • Moral values
  • Trusted sources"


4 rules for dealing with negative feedback

  • Is it true? (yes or no. If no, move to number 3.)
  • Can you absolutely know it's true? (yes or no)
  • How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought?
  • Who would you be without that thought?


On public storytelling / presentations:

  • "Do I like my audience? My material? Myself in this situation? You body language will be answering these questions during your presentation."


About "fools":

  • "They understand neither what is said nor why, and answer accordingly"
  • "Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."
  • "A smart adversary and a stupid adversary present different risks. You must be prepared to anticipate both."


  • "I always assume that a good book is more intelligent than its author. It can say things that the writer is not aware of." (Umberto Eco)


"...The investigators at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere had also observed that when nurses were given a chance to say their names and mention concerns at the beginning of a case, they were more likely to note problems and offer solutions. The researchers called it an “activation phenomenon.” Giving people a chance to say something at the start seemed to activate their sense of participation and responsibility and their willingness to speak up."


"This is why, in a nutshell, advice is overrated. I can tell you something, and it’s got a limited chance of making its way into your brain’s hippocampus, the region that encodes memory. If I can ask you a question and you generate the answer yourself, the odds increase substantially." ― Michael Bungay Stanier, The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

jun 30 2019 ∞
jul 14 2019 +