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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)

Let me just start this one off by mentioning that I have never had money, but I've always done alright. There has always been a roof over my head, food in my belly, and clothes on my back. I have my health and I have love and acceptance from my friends and family. I have never needed anything more than that, so money really means very, very little to me. I am grateful for the life I have had and the life I will continue to lead. That being said, a girl can still dream and dream I do. :)

♫"If I had a


  • I'd buy myself a house.
  • I'd buy a new car.
  • I'd take a trip through Europe and Australia.
  • I'd make a large "donation" to Goodwill. (Not to write it off on my taxes, but to buy the best of whatever they have for sale. Goodwill has a LOT of really awesome, hidden treasures and the proceeds go to a good cause. Even if I were rich, I would not be above wearing second-hand clothing. The tax write off is not important to me at all. As it is, I donate enough to local charities that I could get a pretty decent return if I wanted to be a stingy asshole.)
  • I'd stock the wet bar in my new house.
  • I'd open a brewery/winery complete with a gift shop, vacation rentals, bar and restaurant in my hometown.

There's probably a lot of different ways I would use a billion dollars. However, I can't think of all of them right now. I'm tempted to say that finding a cure for the common cold would be one of them. LOL

mar 25 2011 ∞
mar 25 2011 +