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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)

Starting from the time I was born:

  • Ronald Reagan is sworn into office as the 40th US President, 1981
  • The first artificial heart is implanted in American Barney Clark, 1982
  • The Soviets shoot down Korean Airlines flight 007, 1983
  • The Soviet Union boycotts the Los Angeles Summer Olympics, 1984
  • Live Aid, a 17-hour rock concert broadcast worldwide from London and Philadelphia, raises $70 million for the starving peoples of Africa, 1985
    • I vaguely remember this, but only because of the song "We Are The World." That song is by far one of the best large-scale musical collaborations in history, in my opinion.
  • Japanese video game maker Nintendo introduces its games to America, 1986
    • I remember this because my grandparents used to watch me and my siblings after school and my brother stayed with them while he was sick one day. When I got to their house after school, he was sitting in the living room playing Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt on a brand new Nintendo. This was the first video game I'd ever been allowed to play on my own.
  • World Population reaches 5 billion, 1987
  • George Bush elected into office, 1988
  • The Berlin Wall comes down, symbolically ending the Cold War, 1989
  • The Gulf War, 1990-1991
  • Bill Clinton elected into office, 1992
  • Two LA Police Officers Are Convicted Of Violating Rodney Kings Civil Rights, 1993
  • Death of Kurt Cobain, 1994
  • Former NFL star, O.J. Simpson, on trial (and acquitted) for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, 1995
  • TWA Flight 800 Crashes Into Atlantic Shortly After Takeoff, 230 Die, 1996
  • Death of Princess Diana, 1997
  • U.S. Strikes on Sudan and Afghanistan, 1998
  • President Bill Clinton impeached for sexual misconduct in the White House, 1999
  • WTO riots break out in the streets of Seattle, 1999
  • Y2K
  • Election of George W. Bush as president, 2000
  • World Trade Center and Pentagon are attacked by hi-jacked airplanes; The Twin towers fall; Al Quida terrorists suspected, September 11th, 2001
  • U.S. and Afghan troops launch Operation Anaconda against remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, 2002
  • Declaration of war against Iraq, 2003
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger elected as governor of California, 2003
  • US transfers sovereignty and control of Iraq back to the Iraq people, 2004
  • Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans, Lousiana, 2005
  • Saddam Hussein executed, 2006
  • The Saffron Protests, 2007
  • Barrack Obama elected as the first black President of the USA, 2008
  • Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett die on the same day, 2009
  • BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010
  • Large-scale earthquakes devastate Haiti and Chile; 2010
  • Large-scale earthquakes and tsunami waves devastate Japan and cause a nuclear threat, 2011
may 20 2010 ∞
mar 15 2011 +