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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)
  • Sex On The Beach
  • Vodka Cran
  • Surfer On Acid
  • Mojito
  • "Caucasian" (or for you non-Lebowski lovers/people not in the know of the GREATNESS of The Big Lebowski, a White Russian)
  • Mudslide
  • Dirty martini
  • Washington Apple (A martini drink that is absolutely delightful.)
  • Tom Collins
  • Red-headed Slut
  • Vegas Bomb (Crown, Malibu and Peach Schnapps dropped or poured into cranberry and energy)
  • F*ck Yer Mom (My own delightful creation...Bailey's, Amaretto and Raspberry Vodka...what's a good drink without a filthy name?)
  • Irish Car Bomb (I don't know if I could ever drink those again now that I'm leaving my 20s behind. LOL Jameson and Baileys dropped into a half-pint of Guinness.)
  • Mai-Tai (Eww...ewwewwewwewwEWW! After my 21st birthday, I will never be able to drink these again.)
  • Grasshopper
  • Rum and Pineapple (I can't remember the name for this drink, but I know it has one. Rum and I are good friends when we want to be.)
  • Rum and Coke
  • Period (My friend, who happens to be a bartender, makes this his specialty drink every now and again and yes, he's referring to what you think he is referring to as far as the name goes. I don't remember what's in it and the name is even looks really...graphic and gross when he serves it, but I assure you that the drink is actually very good. Like I said, what's a good drink if it doesn't have a filthy name?)
  • Jager-bomb
  • Screaming Nazi (Jagermeister and Rumplemintz...'nough said.)
  • Flaming Nazi (Jagermeister and Fireball, go figure...)
  • "Jungle Juice" (I can't remember the actual name for it, but it's basically a prison drink made in a cooler with fermented fruit, Hawaiian Punch and whatever alcohol the inmates can manage to smuggle in. We non-inmates who have no plan of ever doing anything that would warrant time behind bars just use vodka to spice it up, though. Although, it should sit out in the sun for about a day and then be refrigerated until you're ready to drink it. I recommend only making this for parties. It's a little like Sangria...only a with a higher alcohol content and WAAAAY more sugar.)
  • Flaming Dr. Pepper
  • Adios Motherfucker (Or known to some as Blue Drink...I think it is also called a Blue Hawaiian.)
  • Hawaiian Tropic (The cocktail, not the tanning lotion. I promise.)
  • Sharkbite
  • Cadillac Margarita
  • Strawberry Daiquiri

I'm sure there are more. I just can't remember them all since I have been of legal drinking age for just shy of ten years...

mar 26 2011 ∞
mar 26 2011 +