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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)
  • Drive
    • I like to tell people that I'm driving randomly, but I almost always have a route planned out in my head. I rarely go down the same road twice on the same route and it's almost always in a big circle.
  • Play video games
    • If I hung my head in shame when I said that I play World of Warcraft, I'd be pretending. LOL I really don't care what people think of me or the game or of me playing the game. It gives me a break from thinking about all the things that make me crazy and I enjoy playing it.
  • Write
    • Usually, I'm writing lists to sort out my thoughts and feelings, but I also like writing stories, poems, and jotting down random thoughts as they come to me.
  • Read
    • I'll read anything as long as I can enjoy the story or gain some sort of useful information from it. If I think it's complete b.s. then I probably won't read more than a paragraph.
  • Sing along to the music
    • Especially when I'm driving. I don't really listen to the radio much. I spend a lot of time listening to my CDs since I broke the car adapter for my iPod. Clumsy me...
  • Daydream
    • Of course, I sometimes do this when I'm hanging around other people, so if you catch me staring off to some distant spot in space, I'm probably dreaming up some crazy scenario that could happen but most likely won't. Sometimes, it's a little bit like an "Ally McBeal" moment. LOL I refer to my daydreaming as being "off in Amber-land."
  • Make playlists in iTunes to burn onto CD
    • I think I must have at least 25 different playlists on my iTunes. It's a little ridiculous. Sometimes, I make mixes for my friends and family members if I hear songs that remind me of someone specific. Almost everyone gets "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen, though, because it's entirely possible that they will listen to it with other people and a real-life musical will then ensue. I've seen it happen almost every time this song is played. If you don't know the words, you'd better learn them...or at least learn the tune...and watch some "Wayne's World," for cryin' out loud!
jul 12 2010 ∞
mar 15 2011 +