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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)
  • New Moon - take a drink every time you see a shirtless native, every time Bella sighs or scoffs, every time Edward appears to Bella as a figment of her imagination and/or every time Edward looks like he's smelled a fart. (Be careful with this'll be drunk before the halfway point if you aren't. Choose one thing to focus on if you're trying to take the drinking slowly.)
  • Office Space - Drink when you hear the word "flair."
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show - Whenever someone yells "Asshole!" (for Brad) or "Slut!" (for Janet) take a drink.
  • Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas - Take a drink whenever you hear a drug or alcohol reference or every time you see a character's hallucination.
  • Strange Brew - Drink every time they say "Eh."
  • The Hangover - Drink every time one of the characters say "Doug."
may 20 2010 ∞
aug 22 2010 +