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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)
  • EndFest '97 (Headlinders included Radiohead, The Offspring, Matchbox 20, and SuperDeluxe with special guests The Foo Fighters) in Bremerton, WA @ Kitsap County Fairgrounds
  • EndFest '98 (Headliners included Green Day, Modest Mouse, Marcy Playground, Blink 182, Semisonic, Feeder, Stabbing Westward and The Crystal Method) in Bremerton, WA @ Kitsap County Fairgrounds
  • Marylin Manson @ Mercer Arena in Seattle, WA January 2000
  • They Might Be Giants @ Moore Theater in Seattle, WA June-ish 2002-ish
  • Barenaked Ladies @ Benaroya Hall in Seattle, WA Sometime in 2002 or 2003
  • The Von Bondies (with Midnight Movies and The Ruby Doe) @ The Showbox in Seattle, WA February 2004 (I think.)
  • Stiff Little Fingers w/Throw Rag @ Graceland in Seattle, WA March 2004
  • Bumbershoot Festival (Headliners for the day I went were Built To Spill & Pixies) @ Seattle Center in Seattle, WA September 2004
  • Reverend Horton Heat w/Supersuckers and I Can Lick Any SOB In The House @ The Premier in Seattle, WA April 2005
  • The White Stripes (with L7 and Sleater-Kinney) @ The Gorge Ampitheater in George, WA August 2005
  • Coldplay @ The White River Ampitheater in Auburn, WA August 2005
  • Jeremy Enigk (backed by a 15-piece orchestra) w/The Lonely Forest and Baby Panda @ Nuemo's in Seattle, WA May 2009
  • The Cave Singers w/ The Dutchess And The Duke @ The Hi-Fidelity Lounge in Bremerton, WA February 2010
  • Silversun Pickups with Against Me and The Henry Clay People @ The Paramount Theater in Seattle, WA July 31, 2010
    • We were in the very front and left-center for The Henry Clay People and Against Me but we moved to the back for the Silversun Pickups. We also left halfway through the Silversun Pickups set. As awesome as they were, we were totally psyched up by the opening bands and ready to party. Silversun Pickups is not really a good headliner to set up with punk rock openers. LOL

This list will continue, I'm sure...maybe a little further spread out, but it will continue. Hopefully, the next band I see will be Bad Religion. Woohoo!

may 21 2010 ∞
oct 12 2010 +