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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)

Large Venues

  • Kitsap County Fairgrounds, Bremerton, WA
    • Endfest '97
    • Endfest '98
    • Endfest '00 or '01 (I can't remember which year it was. I remember that the last time I was there, I worked security for the back entrance the night before and we got in for free the next day.)
  • Key Arena, Seattle, WA
    • Marylin Manson - January 2000
  • White River Amphitheater, Auburn, WA
    • Coldplay - Fall 2005
  • The Gorge Amphitheater, George, WA
    • The White Stripes - August 2005

Small Venues/Bars/Clubs

  • Showbox at the Market, Seattle, WA
    • The Von Bondies with Midnight Movies and The Ruby Doe - Summer 2004
    • Fall From Grace with some awesome Scottish band that I didn't catch the name of, sadly - New Year's Eve, 2010/January 1, 2011
  • Showbox SoDo, Seattle, WA
    • Reverend Horton Heat with Mudhoney and Supersuckers - Fall 2005
    • Bad Religion - September 2010
  • Nuemos, Seattle, WA
    • Jeremy Enigk featuring a 15 piece orchestra with Sad Panda and The Lonely Forest - May 2009,
    • Against Me with Cheap Girls (boo!) and another band that was really cool whose name also slips my mind - February 2011
  • Graceland, Seattle, WA
    • Stiff Little Fingers with Throw Rag and another band that I missed - Summer 2004, I think (I have a t-shirt from this show but I don't want to dig it out to find out the date.)
  • Hi-Fidelity Lounge, Bremerton, WA
    • The Duchess And The Duke (boo!) with The Cave Singers - February 2010
      • For a tiny little venue, it was an awesome show. However, if The Duchess and The Duke had even projected their voices or used microphones, I might have enjoyed their little couch session a whole lot more. I couldn't even hear their instruments and I was standing about 10 feet away from them. Keep in mind that people often tell me that I have superhuman hearing. ;) The Cave Singers rocked the place, though! I will definitely see them again.
  • Paramount Theater, Seattle, WA
    • Silversun Pickups with Against Me and The Henry Clay People - July-ish 2010
    • They Might Be Giants - August 2002, I think
  • Benaroya Hall
    • Barenaked Ladies - 2002-2003-ish...I don't remember when it was. I just remember going and sitting in the very last row and how uncomfortable the seats were.
mar 28 2011 ∞
mar 28 2011 +