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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)

Overall, I am an enthusiastic receiver of all things relating to fashion, food, alcohol, entertainment, handmade gifts, and/or love and affection. However, I still like to get my gadgets. I'm a nerd. This is the way it should be.

  • Hiking boots
  • New tenny-runners (My old Chuck's are getting so worn out and over-loved...I suppose I could take them to the cobbler, but a new pair wouldn't hurt.)
  • Tickets to see Chris Cornell perform live in Seattle ON my birthday. :( Unfortunately, it's sold out! Boo!
  • A week long trip to my happy place with a few of my closest friends...a week might be a little long, but it's close enough to home that I could probably leave early if I wanted to.
  • A new camera - Either a Canon Rebel or a Nikon Coolpix; I've always had the crappy camera but I'm the only person in my family, other than my brother, who is really, truly interested in art photography more than taking snapshots of the same people I already have a million and ten pictures of. I have a camera that's great for snapshots, but half the time, my cameras don't work when I want them to. That's what happens when you buy cheap cameras. I also like to go hiking and adventuring in the wilderness in the summer months and not having a good camera is often a pisser.
  • An e-book reader - I love to read, especially when I'm going somewhere where I know I'll have some time to kill. However, I ruin books by carrying them with me everywhere and I often have an awkward time holding them while reading.
  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - Yes, I'm a giant nerd and I will admit it. I play WoW. Don't worry, I still choose to be a little, social butterfly in the real world before choosing to play the game.
  • Music - lots of it...I couldn't possibly make a list of it all here. I have tried to make one on, but I could sit for days and select music I wanted from Amazon. The same goes for books and movies, although, probably to a lesser degree.
  • An iPod, iPad, or iPhone with enough storage space for my entire music library, which would have to be a LOT of Gigs because I have almost an entire month's worth of music in my iTunes library. (I could go 23.7 Days without hearing the same song, as it stands right now. That's 9422 songs, currently. That equals 63.67 GB.) Currently, I have two iPod Nanos which are 4 and 8 GBs. Not even close to what I need.
  • A laptop - when I'm not reading or playing video games and I have some time to kill by myself, I will sometimes write. If I could pack up my PC and carry it with me everywhere, I would. However...
  • A tattoo - I am thinking about a tornado on my arm to cover up a very large and obvious scar. I have to wait for the scar to completely heal, first, though.
mar 26 2011 ∞
mar 26 2011 +