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Without lists, I don't think I'd ever sort out my thoughts. This brain of mine never seems to rest and the things that run through it reflect the beats in my chest...

victoria movies (2025)
books (2025)
television (2025)

I suppose it's never too late to make this list, although I should've made it about 10 or 15 years ago. These aren't in order, either. I just typed them out as I thought of them.

  • Set Design
    • I don't care what kind of set it is...TV, movies, stage...I just like tinkering and building and making things pretty. One big part of my current job is visual merchandising, and while I have other responsibilities, that's the part I like doing the most (sometimes I focus on the merchandising a little too much.) I'm also a little bit of a perfectionist.
  • Fashion Design
    • I love fashion. I'd probably have to learn how to sew or come up with the money to pay someone who already knows how.
  • Musician/Singer
    • I've wanted to be a singer since I was 4 years old. I sing A LOT and if I somehow find some little shred of confidence to do it in front of an audience, I often get a lot of compliments. Especially if people hear the best of my vocal range. My influences throughout my life have ranged (and still range) from Patsy Cline (my childhood idol, oddly enough) to Evanescence and so many more. I can't really play any instruments proficiently, but I'm always drumming on anything I can get my hands on, I love the sound and feel of an acoustic guitar, and I so wish I could play more than "Do Re Mi" (from "The Sound Of Music") and a one-fingered version of "Blister In The Sun" on the piano. I do sort of know how to read and write music, though. I took 7 years of choir classes in school as well as a college-level Music Theory class in high school. However, it's been so long since I've even looked at a piece of music that I'm quite rusty at reading it. Regardless, you can teach an old dog new tricks (or re-teach them old tricks that they haven't used in awhile), so I'm determined to learn...again.
  • Visual Merchandising
    • I love setting up visual displays! It's so much fun! Where I work, I sometimes help our visual team set up displays with mannequins, backdrop, the whole nine yards. It's a lot of work, but we get to be relatively creative within the guidelines we're given. This is definitely a job I could do all day without a whole lot of complaints. I should probably add that I work in sales, however, so while merchandising is a small part of my job description, I'm not part of the visual merchandising team, no matter how much I would love to be.
  • Writer
    • Well...look at what you're reading right now. This is what I do on a pretty regular basis when I'm alone and bored or needing a break from whatever tedious task I'm doing at the time. I write fictional stories...usually with some sort of love-related theme. Some of them are sci-fi, some of them are just kind of a soap opera...most of them go unfinished. I have written a few poems, but usually I write my stories or I do some sort of blog-type editorials. I'm a nerd, but I'm also very outspoken about my opinion. So, if I have something to say about a given subject, you're probably going to hear about it. Somehow, people seem to agree with my points of view. If they don't, that's fine, too. As long as they express their opinion in a way that evokes a polite discussion pertaining to the difference of opinion.

This is it for right now, but I know this list will continue. I come up with new job ideas all the time!

jul 19 2010 ∞
aug 22 2010 +