• I was sitting in my den with my brother and my dad, and we were just doing our thing. Then I look over, and I see in my kitchen there is a lion, standing like a human, stealing apples and bananas out of our fruit basket.
  • These three pigs moved into the house behind us. I said hello, I apparently offended them because they chased me to Kid's Playground and chased me through the ball pits. And did I mention they were armed with butter knives? And they had facial hair?
  • I was sitting in my car, and another creepy old black car backed into us, and then the car door hissed at me. We got out of the car, then the two cars grew wings and flew away.
  • I was hanging at my grandparent's house, and my grandfather came out of the house and whistled, then his car came out of nowhere and pulled into the driveway by itself.
  • I was sitting in my bed. I was pregnant. And smoking.
  • I was at a hotel, and the Jonas Brothers were staying there. Then it flooded and Kevin Jonas thought it was acceptable to come into my room. So we became biffles, and then he had a crush on me? And then we made fun of his brothers.
  • My friend was sleeping over my house and her mom lived in a glass cottage next door to us. And these two guys broke into her cottage and killed her and we saw it. But my mom didn't believe us (even though she was in plain view), and when she finally did she called the police. The police came and then the murderers, my mom, my friend, my friends DEAD mom, the police and myself all went to get ice cream.
  • My brother and I were in the backseat of the car, and it started driving by itself. And there was nothing we could do to stop it. Then when someone pulled the car over and looked in we turned into dogs. Then it started driving again and we were back to normal. Then we hit a tree.
jan 25 2009 ∞
jan 25 2009 +