Harry Potter:
- The Sleeping Sickness
- The Last Will and Testament of Lily Evans Potter
- A Place for Warriors
- Lily's Charm
- A Year Like None Other and sequels
- The Last Gift
- Of Love, in Unexpected Places
- Digging for the Bones
- Antonomasia
- Season of Warmth
- Slave Child
- Blood Magic
- Bonds of Affection
- Torn Apart World
- In Care Of
- Union of Doom
- Reading the Signs
- Emerald Eyes
- Never Alone
- Harry's Last Hope
- Murderer
- Broken Wings
- Go Back
- Walk the Shadows
- A Life Unsettled
- Faith
- Unsaid
- The Marriage Stone
- My Tribute to Josephine Darcy's The Marriage Stone
Pride and Prejudice:
- My Wilful Woman
- Speak Not Against the Sun
- Fix You
- An Unforgiving Temper
- No More Tears
- Sarah's Story
- Traveling by Post
- Very Improper Behavior
- An Ever Fixed Mark
- Dreams and Expectations
- Nothing Wanting
- The Journey
- A Perilous Perusal
Lord of the Rings
- Strange Bedfellows
- Bedlam
- Bed and Wine
Star Wars
- Lost and Found
- Field of Dreams (and Sanctuary)
jan 16 2010 ∞
aug 4 2014 +