Black and Kakadu plums, desert fig and bush tomato. And then there's the Zig-Zag vine and the snowberry. Australia is a continent with shrubs and fruit trees we never dreamed of.

It is all the fault of the Indo-Australian plate. This one, instead of taking its cue from others, persisted in glorious isolation for tens of millions of years. The result? Even today, organisms can be found in Australia that have not changed at all since Gondwana. The isolated continent has also developed animal and plant species found nowhere else. This includes shrubs and fruit trees.

Black plum from the coasts

The black plum, for example. It was first described by Robert Brown as early as 1810. It grows quickly and is easy to grow. It even tolerates minor frosts. The wood obtained from the trees is hard and easy to work with. This is why black plums were eagerly cultivated by colonisers settling in Australia.

The fruit trees on which black plums grow are mainly found on the east coast of the continent - from Queensland to New South Wales. The situation is different for bush tomatoes. These grow primarily in the dry interiors.

There are more than ninety species, loosely related to European tomatoes. They grow on small trees whose growth is accelerated by fires. The Aborigines have always used them. But with caution. Many species are poisonous. Therefore, those who are unfamiliar with these plants should avoid them.

Vitamin C above all else

Unlike bush tomatoes, Kakadu plums contain no poison. Instead, they are known as the plant with the most vitamin C. There are up to 5,000 mg per 100 g. This makes the fruit trees growing in the rainforests of north-western Australia a popular choice.

Aborigines eat it, but the benefits of the high vitamin C content are also appreciated by industrialists. They produce cosmetics from it, which are gaining in popularity. There is only one problem - outside their natural habitat, the fruit trees give birth to plums with a lower vitamin content.

The Zig-Zag vine is also keenly used. This is another plant that is only found in Australia. Orange in colour, the fruit has a pleasant aroma and flavour and is therefore used as a base for sauces in gourmet dishes.

Stewed desert bananas

Desert bananas are also suitable for eating. These are plants that can be cooked in hot air over a fire. This is how they are stewed by the people of central Australia, where they are found. Meals made from these bananas are often the subject of Aboriginal art. Interestingly, flowers can also be eaten.

Contrary to appearances, Australia abounds with shrubs and fruit trees that can be used in a wide variety of ways. For this reason, one can be grateful to the board for being willing to wait to connect with the rest of the world.

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