Delikatny rumieniec odmładza twarz, podkreśla kości policzkowe i odświeża makijaż.

Podkład ujednolica cerę - jest to jego zaletą, ponieważ ukrywa jej niedoskonałości, ale też wadą, bo spłaszcza rysy twarzy. Róż nałożony tuż pod kościami policzkowymi sprawia, że twarz odzyskuje trójwymiarowy wygląd. Lekki rumieniec uzupełni makijaż pod jednym warunkiem: musi pasową do Twojej naturalnej kolorystyki.

Różowy odcień różu

Odcienie tej gamy w naturalny sposób odświeżają cerę każdego rodzaju. Do jasnej pasują odcienie delikatne, transparentne, do ciemniejszej bardziej zdecydowane.

Brzoskwiniowy odcień różu

Tonacje brzoskwiniowe mają bardzo wiele odmian - część z nich zbliża się do czerwieni, inne do żółci. Te pierwsze ...

sep 16 2022 ∞
sep 16 2022 +

Transferring an account to another bank. How to do it when the bank raises fees? A bank account is an important thing. That's why most people open an account and don't change it for years, to avoid unnecessary paperwork or financial mistakes.

However, sometimes the change is forced, especially when banks drastically raise the prices of services for their regular customers. Only the new ones are tempted by big promotions. So why shouldn't you take advantage of this too?

Should I open a new personal account or transfer my old one? This is not an easy question, because it all depends on your needs. If you only use your account to receive your salary and pay in cash at the ATM in the shops, you can quickly change your personal account on your own. Just open an account with a bank that has a better offer, transfer funds to it and close the old account.

aug 26 2021 ∞
aug 26 2021 +

Throughout our education, we are confronted with the need to write works. The higher the level of education, the more problematic it becomes.

We usually start with short dissertations and essays. Then we are forced to write longer credit texts during our studies. The biggest challenge for us, however, is the final verification work during the studies, i.e. the bachelor's and master's thesis. For many people, this is a problem that they have to deal with for many months.

Writing a Master's thesis is much easier for those who have previously had more to do with their mother tongue. It is simply because they are more skilled in transferring thoughts into words. Without such experience it is difficult to get started "on the fast track" and write a thesis in a few days. However, there are simple methods that can make this easier for us.

oct 30 2020 ∞
oct 30 2020 +

The human energy field can be described as a luminous shell surrounding and penetrating the physical body, which emits radiation and is referred to as an aura. The human aura is associated with the human body and is divided into several layers that permeate and surround each other.

Auras can be divided in terms of location, colour, brightness and form, density and function. Seven layers of aura can be observed. At first, only the lower layers are visible; in order to see the fifth, sixth or seventh, one must sink into the meditation.

The first, third, fifth and seventh layers have a specific structure, while the second, fourth and sixth layers consist of liquid substances without a specific structure. Each one is connected with the chakra. The first layer and the first chakra are connected with feeling pain or pleasure, the second layer is responsible for ...

aug 22 2019 ∞
aug 22 2019 +
  • replace this text with your list
  • begin each item with an asterisk
aug 15 2022 ∞
aug 15 2022 +

They get to know each other by chance, in a bookstore they reach for the same book. They fall in love at first sight. After a few months they are already engaged. Their feeling develops, they cannot see the world outside themselves. They get along like nobody else.

Everyone envies them what they have, the love that is so much awaited and sometimes rejected. Wedding date set, dress selected, guests invited. The dream day has come when they have legalised their wonderful relationship. Happy, from now on they will spend their whole lives together. They decide to buy a flat, plan a child, get to know each other better and better.

The story is like a fairy tale, right? Yes, but then there is disappointment. After a few months it reveals a shocking truth. She got a parcel full of pictures of her husband with another man. Everyone can guess how a woman who sees her beloved i...

nov 12 2020 ∞
nov 12 2020 +

On the web as it is on the web - nobody likes to spend too much - because why if you can find everything there practically for free? That's why Google's popularity records have such passwords as free mp3, for example.

Millions of portals have already been created on which we can download music for free - the question is one - what do they earn money on? The answer is quite simple - advertising, of course. Such sites gather a lot of users who are potential clients of companies that advertise on such portals - you don't have to think long to say that the earnings from advertising are pretty good considering that maintaining the site is not a matter of a few pennies but a little more money. The free mp3 password is a very common password under which the pages are positioned to appear in Google in the top searches - this is to increase the number of visitors, of cou...

sep 10 2020 ∞
sep 10 2020 +

You can save 10 to 20% on your daily purchases by spending 10 minutes a day. Sounds interesting? Read on.

Here's what you need to do during these 10 minutes:

- Shopping plan. You have to have it, it's an absolute must. Without a plan, you are condemned to buy unnecessary products or overpay. As a general rule, the longer the planning range of an item, the cheaper the purchase will be as a result. Think about how you buy a car, for example. Do you enter the first better showroom and buy the first better model, or on the contrary: do you walk around the local showrooms, check, compare and, as a result, buy there and the car that suits you best? That's what it's all about, and that's how you can plan your daily shopping.

- Haggle, i.e. ask for a discount and expect to receive it. Usually - and even with larger purchases, it's normal - you man...

aug 22 2019 ∞
aug 22 2019 +

Black and Kakadu plums, desert fig and bush tomato. And then there's the Zig-Zag vine and the snowberry. Australia is a continent with shrubs and fruit trees we never dreamed of.

It is all the fault of the Indo-Australian plate. This one, instead of taking its cue from others, persisted in glorious isolation for tens of millions of years. The result? Even today, organisms can be found in Australia that have not changed at all since Gondwana. The isolated continent has also developed animal and plant species found nowhere else. This includes shrubs and fruit trees.

Black plum from the coasts

The black plum, for example. It was first described by Robert Brown as early as 1810. It grows quickly and is easy to grow. It even tolerates minor frosts. The wood obtained from the trees is hard and easy to work with. This is why black plums we...

aug 15 2022 ∞
aug 15 2022 +

I remember how impressed I was by the book, which listed the chemicals I deal with every day. Our food is increasingly processed, economic chemistry is mostly composed of poisons and the composition of some cosmetics leaves much to be desired.

I often hear others wonder where so many people with allergies or other diseases come from these days. Well, the amount of toxins we come across every day is appalling. That is why it is worth reducing the amount of chemical substances that we are dealing with.

Much has been written about healthy (and natural) eating habits. However, there is still little talk about how trivially we can get rid of most cleaning products from home. It's even unbelievable what miracles a "inconspicuous" lemon can do.

The same applies to cosmetics. Did you know that manufacturers of some lipsticks add lead particles to them? Often cosmetic...

dec 6 2020 ∞
dec 6 2020 +

Today, the term public relations often has a pejorative meaning. It is often perceived negatively, due to the unethical behaviour of PR professionals, but this is not the only reason why society can look at public relations activities with an unfavourable eye.

Any activity whose main function is to persuade people to act creates a situation in which manipulative actions, which are immoral from an ethical point of view, can function. Even the gifts given here and there may turn out to be an impure and unethical procedure in a given situation. Manipulation is understood here as a situation where something becomes a tool for someone who hides his or her communication goal from the recipient, because it is not in the recipient's interest. Attention should also be drawn to the thin line between persuasion and manipulation. The main difference between these two concepts...

oct 27 2020 ∞
oct 27 2020 +

Its own business activity largely allows it to spread its wings in many industries, which in turn gives the opportunity to earn money and be its own boss. Many people, however, although doing well with their own business, unfortunately, has problems with the so-called paperwork.

The best way out of such a situation is to enter into cooperation with a professional accounting office, which is characterized by a lot of advantages.

Advantages of an accounting office

The main advantage of an accounting office is the fact that we entrust our accounts to people who have been doing this kind of work for years. Professionalism, which also includes trust, is the basis for good cooperation. We can count on the fact that the settlements will be performed flawlessly and on time, and in addition, no one incompetent will have access to them. Another advantage turns out to be the ...

aug 22 2019 ∞
aug 22 2019 +