• i saw a beach place. and the waves were really big, and they were making everything into a desert. this guy and his two kids were running to find a car to drive out of there. but on the way they ordered fries from some vendor. one with sauce and one without.
  • we were looking at a map to see if boats could get us out of the area. everything was frozen now and it showed little boats making tunnels through the ice to get through.
  • we were on a big old boat and there was a party. there was this game of sucking dicks.....idk. and everyone was doing it. so i was doing it to charlie then i had to switch or something. so cunt was on him next. and the whole time i wanted to kick her in the throat.
  • i told charlie this. we were both being dicks to her. i wanted her to know that i didnt like her at all. so we were fighting with her.
  • me and charlie were having sex in a tub. and her and melissa came. and she was yelling at us saying i only wanted to fight someone thats why i was being mean. we ignored her the whole time and just kept fucking.. hah.
  • me and charlie were in another country. we took a plane and had our bags with us. we were playing in some water park type thing. daniel was there. and i was taking pictures cause i wanted a lot to remember the trip since we went out of the country finally. my camera kept fucking up
  • i was at a party for my christening i think. but me and alexa were there as our age now too. like we went back in time. we were wheeling my stroller out of joes backyard to the car. we were waiting for matt and grandpa.
  • when we were wheeling the stroller i was a little baby. but when we got it to the car i was a bit older. so i could talk.
  • i kneeled down to baby me. and was like do you know who i am? and i said no. then i told myself that i was me but in the future. baby me just looked at me with wide eyes. they were really light blue. kinda creepy.
  • we were gettting in the car and my mom was like hurry up! but we were still waiting for people. i saw grandpa walking infront of the house. he had a long wool coat on. i kept saying why is he wearing that. its so hot out.
  • nicole and alexa had to sit half in the back seat half in the trunk. so they were sitting backwards.
  • my mom was complaining that the hospital gave me an ankle bracelet instead of a bracelet.
jan 11 2010 ∞
jan 11 2010 +