Ariana's listography
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(films of twenty fourteen)
145. beavis and butt-head do america
144. the texas chainsaw massacre
143. belladonna of sadness
142. martyrs
141. free the nipple
140. el topo
139. the holy mountain
138. detroit rock city
137. the evil dead
136. eye of the devil
135. on my way
134. queen margot
133. mildred pierce
134. red desert
133. elizabeth: the golden age
132. labor day
131. last days here
130. to die for
129. wolf of wall street
128. american history x
127. dallas buyers club
126. child's play
125. gone girl
124. the kate bush story
123. maps to the stars
122. nosferatu the vampyre
121. excision
120. the entity
119. children of the corn
118. american mary
117. cantinflas
116. sin city: a dame to kill for
115. dracula
114. the craft
113. no cameras allowed
112. they call her one eye
111. female vampire
110. platinum blonde
109. faster, pussycat! kill! kill!
108. black mama, white mama
107. women in cages
106. the big bird cage
105. the big doll house
104. the devil's rejects
103. house of 1000 corpses
102. the lords of salem
101. the bird with the crystal plumage
100. virgin report
99. beyond the valley of the dolls
98. cannibal girls
97. the tenant
96. the last picture show
95. all that jazz
94. y tu mama tambien
93. lucy
92. hell's angels
91. persona
90. possession
89. repulsion
88. ms. 45
87. lady of burlesque
86. psycho
85. let the right one in
84. made in u.s.a.
83. don jon
82. the cabinet of dr. caligari
81. les yeux sans visage
80. the cowsills story
79. deep red
78. north by northwest
77. the birds
76. marnie
75. phenomena
74. opera
73. not fade away
72. sunset strip
71. the blood on satan's claw
70. coffee and cigarettes
69. tenebrae
68. dracula 3d
67. the stendhal syndrome
66. four flies on grey velvet
65. inferno
64. dark passage
63. gladiator
62. tom à la ferme
61. cold fish
60. elephant
59. the african queen
58. le premier jour du reste de ta vie
57. c.r.a.z.y.
56. meshes of the afternoon
55. suspiria
54. laurence anyways
53. les amours imaginaires
52. j'ai tué ma mere
51. the immigrant
50. rock 'n rock exposed: the photography of bob gruen
49. beware of mr. baker
48. big easy express
47. the look of love
46. fiddler on the roof
45. dogtooth
44. haute cuisine
43. and while we were here
42. mademoiselle c
41. last love
40. short term 12
39. the source family
38. diana
37. greenwich village: music that defined a generation
36. the girl on a motorcycle
35. monterey pop
34. night of the living dead
33. midnight cowboy
32. rock of ages
31. CBGB
30. slogan
29. the purge
28. 28 days later
27. I love you alice b. toklas
26. chinatown
25. blue jasmine
24. of mice and men
23. enter the void
22. qui etes-vous, polly maggoo?
21. casino
20. behind the burly q
19. frozen
18. the director
17. nurse 3d
16. bend it like beckham
15. the godfather
14. walk the line
13. moulin rouge
12. trainspotting
11. baby face
10. before midnight
9. boccaccio '70
8. charade
7. dead poets society
6. mr. and mrs. smith
5. all about eve
4. the wicker man
3. her
2. american hustle
1. 12 years a slave
jan 3 2014 ∞
dec 31 2014 +