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Starting from the time I made this list:

July 27:

  • I watched a shuttle launch. Unrelatedly, there was a deep freeze and many people kept dying from the cold. Maybe they also turned into zombies. I went with mom to a truly awful mall furniture gallery, in the middle of this blizzard.

July 29:

  • Very surreal. An underground spot. An otherworldly chariot/elevator drops from the ceiling slowly, covered in films of spiderwebs. A boy, equally otherworldly, steps out of the elevator and crosses a short bridge to an equally filmy 'nest,' inside of which there is a glowing blue egg. The boy takes it with him back into the elevator, which then ascends. The blue really stood out, because everything else was a yellowish, warm hue. I understood the dream to be a metaphor for reproduction.
  • A woman is trapped in a freezer. The freezer has secret doors at the back; when you push the back of the freezer, it reveals itself to be a door into another compartment. At the back of this next compartment, the same thing happens. Within this final compartment, the woman was hidden. I later believed my wallet was lost in here, but I found it in a more expected place. I search the house looking for it before my family departs for supper. In the downstairs bathroom, everything is dark and shadowy. I see something scary, not sure what. I go back upstairs, still scared, where dad is waiting in the living room. Through the windows I see a pair of glowing yellow eyes looking in, and I panic-- but upon further inspection they are merely two of many glowing lights. These are Halloween decorations in our bushes. Dad ends up re-tying my shoes for some reason.
  • It's evening. I seem to be at an outdoor restaurant with a bar. Time progresses quickly. The place is exclusive and I have no money, but over time I get into a habit of mooching drinks off a guy who works there. Strangely, I'm staring down through the whole dream, at the brickwork beneath my feet, where dead leaves swirl in the wind.
  • At a large pool, I drop a pane of glass down to people below. It seems like a good idea at the time. Unlike what I have seen in an example, the glass shatters. I try to quickly scoop it out with a long net. I am high above the pool. I'd like to swim, but management drains the pool so they can be sure to remove all the tiny shards of glass.

July 30:

  • Dustin Hoffman and his wife were a pair of many celebrities at my school. He led us up a hill into a classroom. We then took a train ride with him around the school under the shade of trees.
  • I was sneaking around at night, hiding from something like the mafia, but also hiding to avoid being seen and killed by the talking turrets from Portal. Luckily I had a portal gun and I shot portals under the turrets to dispatch them. I feel like I was on a secret mission to steal an embryo or something from the mafia men.

August 2:

  • More Portal-shooting, but in a fantastic outdoor location beneath a cliff, surrounded by waterfalls and all kinds of pretty naturey shit like that. I think I died a few times, but as in the game, I came back alive to try again until I got it.
  • One very brief dream of something evil appearing suddenly on a staircase. I woke up abruptly, but not terribly frightened. It was because I've been playing Silent Hill.
  • for some reason I went to church with my mom and sister. I'm an atheist, so I just went there for this fun event that was planned. But it turned out that I couldn't do it, so I snuck out and sat by a lakeside. I also remember something about loading up my plate at a cafeteria. I've actually had SEVERAL dreams of me doing this, piling all the food on. I wonder what it means.

August 5:

  • I vaguely remember something about a prostitute standing alone at night.

August 10:

  • I set fire to the kitchen. Then put it out with a conveniently located extinguisher. Mom was not pleased.
  • I was in a water park with friends. Might have been naked? Later some sort of huge audience was filling an auditorium for a sports challenge of some sort, I may have either been an onlooker or a participant but I was moving around backstage a good deal.

Sept. 2:

  • Following a little Chinese girl down precarious spiral stairs into an interesting Chinese restaurant her mother owned. I was there to work. Then there seemed to be blood everywhere, all over the floors and walls, enough to fill an entire person in each of the pools. Gore too, sitting on top of the blood. At one point a man's head became detached and floated in the air in front of me. The skin ripped itself off, along with the eyeballs, and the blood and veins were all exposed on the skull, then they burst and the skull was covered in still more blood. The head seemed to flip itself inside out.
  • Betsy was trying to convince me I wasn't horribly ugly. I didn't believe her. I was lying on the floor crying quite a lot.
  • I was cleaning out a really old freezer that hadn't been touched in about a decade.

Sept. 27:

  • My family met this woman. Something about her face seemed incredibly familiar. She had opened a pizza place in Raleigh and was about to expand globally. I didn't think the pizza was that spectacular, but whatever. Turns out she's Britney Spears! And then some guy gets beat up while trying to make a sculpture because he spoke German one time, and a man who fought in WWII came by and assumed he was evil.
  • I was in a group of 4 people/pop-tarts that had to get up in front of the audience one-by-one while they took us apart, killing us.

Sept. 29:

  • Family on vacation at a hotel. Eating dinner, I stare out the window at the rooftops I once climbed down onto. Parts on the rooftop were missing. I think we used to live here. I look up. The ceiling is missing, too. I think there even used to be a room behind me, but it's fallen into the ocean beneath the hotel, perhaps two dozen floors beneath us. I get frustrated mid-conversation and say something like, "For chrissake, the fucking ceiling is missing!" It's all going. Shortly after that observation, we go to. It's storming outside, and bits of the place have been breaking off little by little. I guess enough of the underlying support had snapped off beneath us. The room started to tilt in my direction, then it all broke away and we were all thrown into the ocean below. Fortunately we all floated up and were okay, totally unscathed. We walked back through the city at night to get to our hotel. By the time we returned to the top floor where the dining room had been, they had put up caution tape. Mom asked nicely to get through it because there was still a bit of the building hanging off, and that had our swimming suits waiting in a briefcase. They hesitated, but let her go. She wasn't even that far onto the edge, but it instantly crumbled beneath her. The dream ended with me unsure whether or not she had made it.
  • A black woman was playing cello most of the way down Sandhurst Rd. Really well, too. You could hear it all down the street. I rode by on my bike twice, trying to hand signal to her that I thought she was good. The Stevenses had created some sort of neat barrier out of windows and bushes in their front yard. When I went by the woman again, she was surrounded with tons of people. It had become an international, televised event. A battle of the bands. Somehow I was in a car that launched upwards to space and came crashing back down, and this was considered an entry to the competition.

Oct. 1

  • One of the nicer dreams I can remember. Nothing vaguely unsettling or problematic. The whole dream was fall/Halloween themed. My family and I were just hanging out in a field next to our fine-ass house, admiring the exaggeratedly orange leaves on the trees and the massive pumpkin you could sit in resting on the lawn. The sky was overcast and spooky in a non-threatening way. My aunt Sherry was there, even though in reality she's just gone back to AZ. I was going around filming it all with a camera since it was all just too perfect to forget. There were also these glowing orange lights everywhere. Really beautiful. I believe there was also a pet fox leashed up to our house.

Oct. 3

  • I was given my own 2 kittens. But I think I found them too much to handle.
  • Prof.R overheard us criticizing her and defended herself pretty well, actually. Her vocabulary was impressive, but her arguments were still stupid. (In real life her vocabulary is unimpressive AND she's stupid. Not exactly what you want in a teacher.)
  • Staring at some hot naked guy staring at another guy in the shower (he was peeking over the edge of a partition)

Oct. 27

  • I was taking pictures of a small, doll-sized girl standing perfectly still and wrapped head to toe in Saran wrap. Creepy. I got out my camera, as there was also a grey cat behind her. As I started to take pictures, they began to move. They both increased in size. The girl started singing. The cat's head grew huge and its body turned into a child's as it began walking around. I was struggling to keep taking pictures in focus as they changed distances rapidly from my lens. I sensed something creepy and bad was about to happen and wasn't so sure I liked them moving somewhat closer to me.
    • Before this, I had just seen a man with crutches walk down steps above all this. He had just been talking to a nice woman who commended me on my concept sketches.
  • I was getting very pissed off as everyone was convinced I was stupid just because of my inability to do a few of the things they could. I mean, I thought I was expressing this fairly articulately to them, but they kept insisting I was just being defensive. They were horribly condescending.
  • I was in the cafeteria. Not ours. They had just reorganized their system and it was very dumb and illogical. Also, preoccupation with cheesecake. I feel like people may have been condescending here too.

Nov. 6

  • My sister and I got separated in school (we were same age in dream as in real life somehow). She left a message for me through a teacher, saying that she would be gone the next 3 weeks, but she didn't know where yet. I didn't get to say goodbye or anything, we were just supposed to be separated for an instant. I felt awful about the situation. I think I took an elevator, racing to class. The elevator was difficult to operate and ended up taking me to the top level. I found the entire floor space, this huge expanse, covered in a maze of parts and tracks. Like a massive interlocking Rube Goldberg machine. I put a ball on the track at one of the many, many starting points and watched. The first few times I tried them, the balls ran amusing little courses and then ended. About the fourth time, I apparently hit the sweet spot and it began like usual, but then became musical, making synchronized sounds as the ball hit different parts of the track. Then it released about 6 more balls, and they went on their own separate tracks. Then it just exploded. Lights, music, and dozens of balls were activated all over the floor. I got the attention of some of the other kids up here. It was pretty incredible to watch. I could've spent a lot of time up there just playing. Eventually at the end of this dream I went home and found my sister had cancelled her plans and decided to stay. I was very happy to see her.
  • I was crawling at the top of some monument. The top of the moment was really just a tied down tarp. Only two others up there. I was clinging with some difficulty due to the severe wind up there. If I let go, who knows how far I'd have flown. There were those tourist sightseeing binocular stands here.

Dec. 6

  • one of those ones where you start off watching something and end up being a participant. It was some Internet video. It was a bunch of college kids who had filmed their own version of a popular song, with them singing instead. It was pretty funny, I'd seen some of the main people before in internet videos. They were filming it all on a college campus. Somehow I ended up not just watching but following this one girl when it was her turn to sing. While still singing, she led me through this series of ladders and really odd architecture that wasn't necessarily practical but still neat and modern. She became harder and harder to keep up with, so that I'd just catch glimpses of her going around corners. We finally went down a funny ladder into a beautiful library. I started feeling pangs of jealousy, inferiority, and some regret that I hadn't gone to this college. It was familiar; I'd seen it in brochures for some prestigious college I'd turned down due to cost. The video had ended but I followed her to a table at the end. I thought maybe this was MIT, but I asked her and she said it was Smith. It was stunning, wherever it was. I think maybe she went to NCSSM. When she turned around, I saw that she was Asian now and was sitting with other asian girls. I woke up whispering (in real life) the words: "I was wondering why you looked so familiar."
jul 26 2011 ∞
dec 31 2014 +